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于 2015-03-25 发布 文件大小:198KB
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  一种遗传算法和萤火虫算法相结合的新型元启发式算法,经过测试,算法具有良好的性能。(Capacitated facility location problem (CFLP) is a well-known combinatorial optimization problem with applications in distribution and production planning that is classified as an NP-Hard problem. The aim is to determine where to locate facilities and how to move commodities such that the customers’ demands are satisfied and the total cost minimized. In this paper, a new hybrid optimization method called Hybrid Evolutionary Firefly-Genetic Algorithm is proposed, which is inspired by social behavior of fireflies and the phenomenon of bioluminescent communication. The method combines the discrete Firefly Algorithm (FA) with the standard Genetic Algorithm (GA). It is devoted to the detailed description of the problem, and an adaption of the algorithm. Computational results on random generated problems consisting of 2000 locations and 2000 customers are reported. )





0 个回复

  • kNN_pred
    采用改进的K最近邻算法对混沌时间序列进行预测(The improved K-nearest neighbor algorithm to predict chaotic time series)
    2010-08-19 01:40:31下载
  • apfft
    Matlab实现的全相位频谱分析,可以自行设定点数和输入序列。结果包括频谱图和与普通fft的对比(Matlab to achieve all-phase spectral analysis, can draw up a point and input sequence. The results include the spectral figure and the comparison with ordinary fft)
    2010-03-15 10:55:41下载
  • tiaoz
    自动调整图像的亮度及色彩信息。,。。。。(Automatically adjusts brightness and color of images to optimum levels.)
    2011-04-30 14:31:30下载
  • GAzujuan1
    基于遗传算法的自动组卷算法,能实现按照知识点、难度、区分度的自动试题提取组卷。(Automatic test paper based on genetic algorithm, can achieve according to knowledge, the difficulty of distinguishing the degree of automatic extraction of test paper questions.)
    2014-11-25 21:21:28下载
  • moba
    This is a Multi Objective BAT Algorithm.
    2014-02-11 13:49:18下载
  • WirelessCommunicationsOverMIMOChannelsJohnWileyAn
    Wireless Communications over MIMO Channels - John Wiley and Sons
    2011-01-12 08:45:32下载
  • impacting-filter
    雷达通信一体化系统,针对非波动目标以及波动目标的雷达探测性能分析。(he dual-frequency MPPSK-MODEM platform is a flexible one. When ranging accuracy request is low or platform is particularly affected by power limitations, the platform would perform both data transmission and range measurement with single frequency modes. In this paper, the ranging resolution of MPPSK pulse waveforms with the match filter and impacting filter processing method are discussed, respectively. Also, the selection of MPPSK modulation parameters for ranging is considered. In particular, requirements that allow for employing such special parameter values for range measurements with high accuracy and high range are investigated. Moreover, high repetition frequency (HRF) bi-phase code MPPSK pulse train base on m sequence are presented, the ranging accuracy of the proposed signal with the match filter processing method is deduced. In addition to theoretical considerations, the paper presents system simulations and measurement results of single-frequency MPPSK intergated systems, d)
    2020-09-22 09:57:52下载
  • jae_92m
    This is a matlab program. It will implement the estimation and testing procedures for a Markov switching parameter model as presented in B. Hansen "The likelihood ratio test under non-standard conditions: Testing the Markov trend model of GNP."
    2014-01-03 13:47:53下载
  • piu_v73
    多机电力系统仿真及其潮流计算,包括邓氏关联度、绝对关联度、斜率关联度、改进绝对关联度,包含光伏电池模块、MPPT模块、BOOST模块、逆变模块。( Multi-machine power system simulation and flow calculation, Including Deng s correlation, absolute correlation, correlation of slope, improved absolute correlation, PV modules contain, MPPT module, BOOST module, inverter module.)
    2020-11-07 22:09:48下载
  • st
    说明:  一个短时傅立叶变换的MATLAB程序,可以进行信号的时频分析。(A short-time Fourier transform of the MATLAB program, can be time-frequency analysis.)
    2010-02-22 18:18:56下载
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