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于 2013-12-09 发布 文件大小:9KB
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  树形控件,可以插入头像,利用该控件可以实现类似QQ好友列表的功能(Tree class, it can show img at every item,you can use it to make friends list box like QQ)



0 个回复

  • TransparentWindow
    仿Win7半透明窗口效果,vc++实现,使用的是分层窗口的方法,用算法实现阴影效果(Imitation Win7 translucent window effect vc++ to achieve using a layered window algorithm to achieve the shadow effect)
    2012-08-02 16:16:34下载
  • ToolDemo
    第5章 菜单、工具栏、状态栏及其相关资源ToolDemoToolDemo.rar,很不错的vc源码,有兴趣的朋友可以看看。(Chapter 5 menus, toolbars, status bar and its associated resources ToolDemo ToolDemo.rar, very good vc source, interested friends can see.)
    2011-09-11 23:01:05下载
  • MFC
    (1)定义一个抽象基类Shape,同它派生出5个类:圆、正方形、矩形、梯形、三角形。 (2)利用虚函数计算几种图形面积。 (3)演示构造函数、复制构造函数、析构函数的作用和调用顺序 (4)用类模板具体实现。 (5)利用MFC类库在图形用户界面上绘制及修改这些图形,采用对话框输入输出图形的基本属性,或者利用运算符重载输入输出图形的基本属性。 (6)用文件保存图形信息,且能够从文件中读取并作相应处理。 2)创新要求: 采用头文件与源文件分离的方法,多态性的实现多样化(defines an abstract base class Shape, with which it derives five categories: round, square, rectangular, trapezoidal, triangular. (2) the use of virtual functions to calculate several graphics area. Effect (3) demonstrate the constructor, copy constructor and destructor call sequence (4) with a class template implementation. (5) The use of MFC library to draw and modify graphics, using the basic properties dialog input and output graphics, or the use of the basic properties of operator overloading the input and output graphics on the graphical user interface. (6) with the file save graphical information, and can be read a file and make the appropriate treatment. 2) Innovation requirements: Using the method header and source files separate polymorphism diversify )
    2020-11-04 14:29:52下载
  • bijingxuan
    用VC6实现的一个超级漂亮的编辑框。可以自己配置编辑框的颜色,美化界面。(A super nice with VC6 edit box. Can configure their own color of the edit box and beautify the interface.)
    2013-04-03 10:07:01下载
  • niceface
    一个界面例子,设计得还不错,和大家一起分享,共同进步(Example of an interface, designed to be pretty good, and the U.S. share common progress)
    2008-05-29 19:33:39下载
  • XMP
    C++ duilib 模仿迅雷的界面还有功能(C++ duilib mimic the interface)
    2014-11-10 18:00:35下载
  • YMHW
    声卡数字频率计 该程序是标准的Windows界面,界面友好,以黑色背景红色大号字体显示频率值,具有醒目,程序简洁和测量精度高的特点()
    2018-06-20 09:30:57下载
  • property_list_tang_demo
    ListCtrl控件和下拉框,编辑框等控件组合使用(ListCtrl controls and under pulls the frame, edits the frame and so on to control a combination to use )
    2004-07-13 11:35:27下载
  • tmctdh
    透明窗体动画 vb写的,很好的一个例子(Transparent form animation vb write, a good example)
    2012-12-03 17:34:50下载
  • Documents
    VC++/MFC project that helps learning paint.
    2011-06-30 17:47:16下载
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