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于 2013-05-11 发布 文件大小:33KB
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  This example solves a 2nd order wave equation: utt = uxx + uyy, with u = 0 on the boundaries. It uses a 2nd order central finite difference in time and a Chebyshev spectral method in space (using FFT). It compares to running the same algorithm on the GPU using gpu-arrays and built-in functions available for the GPU.



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  • antenna_arrays
    Ardtool是Matlab的图形用户界面,用于分析天线阵列的不同类型。认识的天线辐射模式的程序,以及天线的类型分类编程(Ardtool is a Matlab graphical user interface for the analysis of the different types of antenna arrays. Understanding antenna radiation pattern procedures, and antenna type classification program)
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    vebyk is a flexible and user-friendly matlab-program, which performs ordinary kriging and can be easily adapted to other kriging methods.
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