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于 2020-12-21 发布 文件大小:595KB
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  基于UC/OS-II的温度实时监测系统, 控制CPU自带温度传感器,并将温度显示在数码管或LCD上;当温度大于设定值时报警;报警驱动蜂鸣器并通过串口上传到PC;PC给出消除报警指令后则取消报警;报警的重新启动由按键通过中断送入;合理安排UC/OS-II实时任务,合理利用UC/OS-II各类事件机制(信号量、消息邮箱、消息队列、事件标志组等)。(Based on UC/OS-II real-time temperature monitoring system, the control CPU comes with a temperature sensor and the temperature on the digital display or LCD when the temperature is greater than the set value alarm alarm buzzer driver and uploaded to the PC via the serial port the PC gives instructions to eliminate warning alarm is canceled restart interrupted by an alarm from the key into reasonable arrangements for UC/OS-II real-time tasks, rational use of UC/OS-II mechanism for all types of events (semaphores, message mailboxes , message queues, event flag groups, etc.).)



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