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Matlab 图像的采样

于 2020-06-27 发布 文件大小:878KB
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  图像的采样 • 写程序:以2 为尺度,下采样图像 ,观察不同分辨率下图像的变化情况(a) • 写程序:把(a)中获得的图像,进行上采样处理,可以选择不同的平滑方 法,比如,邻近像素复制,或者线性插值等。讨论上采样后图像的质量变 化。找出相应的改进方法。





0 个回复

  • MRMRF_imgSegmentation
    基于多尺度MRF模型的图像分割算法。使用提升小波对原始图像进行分解,使用ICM算法进行分割处理(Multi-scale MRF model based image segmentation algorithm. The original image using lifting wavelet decomposition, the use of ICM segmentation algorithm)
    2011-06-10 17:36:02下载
  • opencv249SIFT
    opencv SIFT源码详细分析,代码能够准确实现(opencv SIFT detailed analysis of the source code can achieve accurate)
    2015-07-13 20:33:10下载
  • fenshui3
    该程序是对原图像进行梯度加掩模的三次分水岭分割(That the procedure was in the original image mask plus three gradient watershed segmentation)
    2008-06-16 12:44:38下载
  • single_phase_grid_pv
    单相并网光伏逆变系统仿真,带最大功率点跟踪(PV system is connected to grid through single phase inverter)
    2013-09-03 13:37:00下载
  • hunhegaosi
    混合高斯前景提取。数学建模时编的,测试视频就在包内,可以作为学习交流用,环境2014a的matlab,后有添加形态处理都在注释里。一起学习。有matlab编的vibe程序欢迎交流(Hybrid Gauss foreground extraction. Mathematical modeling of the series, the test video is in the package, can be used as a learning exchange, the environment 2014a MATLAB)
    2021-01-01 16:28:57下载
  • rectification_transf
    对两幅图像提取特征点,并计算基本矩阵,对两幅图像进行极线矫正,并画出校正后图像特征点的极线,效果非常好(The two images of the image feature points in the feature points are extracted, and the calculated fundamental matrix, correction of lines of the two images, and after the draw correction lines, very good results)
    2013-04-12 11:04:53下载
  • PSF
    提出一种基于空间域的多聚焦图像融合技术:首先计算点分布函数(PSF),然后利用PSF模糊源图像,最后通过组合原图像中较为清晰的像素点来生成全聚焦图像。(We propose a multi-focus image fusion based on space domain techniques: First calculate the point distribution function (PSF), then use the PSF fuzzy source image, and finally to generate omni-focus image by combining the original image clearer pixels.)
    2016-05-20 16:07:37下载
  • Matlab Wrapper for Graph Cuts
    基于最大流最小割定理的图像分割,里面有一个例子,(Image segmentation based on maximum flow minimum cut theorem)
    2018-05-12 23:03:55下载
  • 2Dwavelet
    该程序用来实现对图片的多级小波分解!提取多级分解后各子带的小波系数!(The program is used to achieve multi-level wavelet decomposition of an image! And extraction of multi-level decomposition of the wavelet coefficients of each sub-band! )
    2011-01-10 15:04:49下载
  • Application_study_of_wavelet_analysis_on_ultrasoni
    说明:  :在深海采矿环境中超声波传输介质里存在着大量气泡、扰动沉积物、机械噪声等背景噪声与混响,导致有用信号与高 噪声信号迭加在一起,严重影响了测距精度。采用小波分析方法将超声回波信号进行3层小波分解,适当设置门限阈值对小波 系数进行处理,然后对信号进行重构,有效地抑制了信号中噪声对测量精度的影响。研究结果表明:小波方法有很好的降低回 波信号中噪声的效果,其测距精度高于自适应滤波去噪后的测距精度。(There are much background and mixture noise in the course of ultrasonic wave transmission under deep sea mining environment,such as air bubbles and disturbed sediment and mechanical noise.Because of these factors, the useful signals and the high noise signals are combined together,which seriously affects the distance measurement precision.Ultrasonic echo signals are decomposed into three layer wavelets,and a threshold is set to process the wavelet coeficients.Then the signals are reconstructed.Accordingly the influence of environment noise on distance measurement precision is effectively restrained.Research resuhs indicate that wavelet transform method is very useful for noise reduction in signals.Its precision is higher than that of the adaptive filtering method.)
    2010-04-24 08:14:49下载
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