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于 2013-12-06 发布 文件大小:1KB
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  filterElement extends StringValue Source Code for Andriod.



0 个回复

  • matlabdrawinginpolar
    极坐标系下的画图及其转换公式,特殊作图需要用到(Polar coordinates of the drawing and the conversion formula, need to use special drawing)
    2010-07-08 20:36:43下载
  • DCT
    一个有关DCT的matlab程序,采用分块的思路(DCT-a matlab program, the idea of using block)
    2009-05-03 22:20:41下载
  • re1
    The model used for creating the reference voltage is shown in Fig. 4. First, photovoltaic output current (Ipv) and output voltage (Vpv) are passed through a first order low pass filter with a magnitude of G = 1 and a time constant of T = 0.01 seconds in order to filter out the high frequency components or harmonics from these signals as shown in Fig. 5 and Fig. 6. The filtered current and voltage signals (Ipv_F and Vpv_F) are then fed into the MPPT control block that uses the Incremental Conductance Tracking Algorithm. An algorithm that is based on the fact the slope of the PV array power curve shown in Fig. 7 is zero at the Maximum Power Point (MPP), positive on the left of the MPP, and negative on the right. The MPP can thus be tracked by comparing the instantaneous conductance (I/V) to the incremental conductance (∆ I/∆ V) [11] as in (1):
    2013-07-23 17:51:25下载
  • SymDemo
    tumor d seg The goal of segmentation is to simplify and/or change the representation of an image into something that is more meaningful and easier to analyze.Image segmentation is typically used to locate objects and boundaries
    2015-02-25 17:14:36下载
  • found
    用基础知识编的matlab车牌识别的小程序,对于初学者而言有点帮助哦~(With a basic knowledge of license plate recognition matlab series of small programs, for the beginner a little help, oh ~)
    2010-06-05 15:09:34下载
  • jiqiren
    首先介绍了VC ++ 6. 0 ,OpenGL 和MATLAB 6. 0 三种软件各自特点 其次在各自特点的基础上,建立了 基于三者相结合的自由飞行空间机器人仿真试验平台 最后以建立自由飞行空间机器人的运动仿真系统为例, 说明了该试验平台的优越性和有效性。(First introduced the VC++ 6. 0, OpenGL and MATLAB 6. 0 followed by three features of the software in their respective characteristics on the basis of the three based on a combination of free-flying space robot simulation platform in order to establish the final free-flying space robot movement simulation system as an example to show the superiority of the test platform and effectiveness.)
    2008-05-15 23:44:52下载
  • hw3sol
    home work: PSLR, ISLR
    2013-09-28 02:51:29下载
  • pq
    本程序的功能是利用PQ分解法进行潮流计算,很方便的程序(failed to translate)
    2013-05-06 05:46:26下载
  • motiontracking
    this code is for tracking object in video in matlab with useing frames
    2009-12-11 19:14:03下载
  • Quater_Registration
    四元数分解的点云配准,输入点云的源坐标和目标坐标,计算期望的旋转矩阵和平移向量。(Quaternion decomposition point cloud registration, input the source and target point cloud coordinates to calculate the expected rotation matrix and translation vector.)
    2014-05-31 16:17:17下载
  • 696518资源总数
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