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  数学建模MATLAB必备程序源代码,自己收集的,自己认为非常有用,希望能给大家带来帮助。(Mathematical modeling MATLAB essential program source code, own collection, considered very useful, I hope we can bring help.)


......\..........................\新建 文本文档.txt,592,2008-09-13



0 个回复

  • MATLABEngine
    说明:  VC、Matlab混合编程使用范例,有助于轻松入门。(VC, Matlab use hybrid programming paradigm, help ease entry.)
    2010-04-25 16:34:06下载
  • main_robust_state
    非线性系统的容错鲁棒控制程序代码 超级实用(fault-tolerant control of nonlinear systems)
    2013-10-04 09:20:20下载
  • DOA估计 二维DOA估计
    主要内容包括波束形成、DOA估计、相干信号的DOA估计、二维DOA估计、宽带阵列信号处理、阵列多参数估计等(The main contents include beamforming, DOA estimation, coherent signal DOA estimation, two-dimensional DOA estimation, wideband array signal processing, array multi parameter estimation, etc.)
    2021-04-21 22:18:49下载
  • yby
    说明:  元胞自动机交叉路口交通仿真,有信号和无信号都可以,统计(Cellular automata intersection traffic simulation, both with and without signals, statistics)
    2020-06-17 22:00:01下载
  • ma_by
    The Matlab functions and scripts in the MA toolbox are: - ma_sone wav (PCM) to sone (specific loudness sensation) - ma_mfcc wav (PCM) to MFCCs (Mel Frequency Cepstrum Coefficients) - ma_sh sone to Spectrum Histogram - ma_ph sone to Periodicity Histogram - ma_fp sone to Fluctuation Pattern - ma_fc frame based representation (MFCCs or sone) to cluster model (Frame Clustering) - ma_cms cluster models to distance (Cluster Model Similarity) - ma_kmeans kmeans clustering (used by "ma_fc") - ma_cm_visu visualize a cluster model (as returned by "ma_fc") - ma_simple_eval script for a simple evaluation of similarity measures - ma_simple_iom script for a simple islands of music interface (The Matlab functions and scripts in the MA t oolbox are :- ma_sone wav (PCM) to betamethasone ('s specific loudness ensation)- ma_mfcc wav (PCM) to MFCCs (Mel Freq uency diagnoses Coefficients)- ma_sh betamethasone to Sp ectrum Histogram- ma_ph betamethasone to Periodicity Hi stogram- ma_fp betamethasone to Fluctuation Pattern-ma _fc frame based representation (MFCCs or betamethasone) to cluster model (Frame Clustering)- ma_cms cl uster models to distance (Cluster Model Simila rity)- ma_kmeans kmeans clustering (used by "m a_fc ")- ma_cm_visu visualize a cluster model ( as returned by "ma_fc")- ma_simple_eval scrip not for a simple evaluation of similarity measure s-ma_simple_iom script for a simple islands of music interface)
    2007-03-16 19:09:51下载
  • two_dim-frac_-step
    用二维热传导分数步长法求解二维热传导方程,其中解转化来的方程用的是追赶法,分别用了ADI,LOD,对称LOD方法进行求解(Solving the two-dimensional heat conduction equation with two-dimensional heat conduction fractional step method, Solving the two-dimensional heat conduction equation with two-dimensional heat conduction fractional step method, which transformed to the equation solution is to catch up with the law, respectively, with the ADI, LOD, LOD method for solving symmetric)
    2014-09-05 23:09:10下载
  • Identify_queue_length
    Identify queue length By edge detection without blocking
    2013-05-06 01:50:23下载
  • Code-FOC-
    基于Mcrochip的PMSM滑模观测器FOC控制(FOC PMSM control sliding mode observer)
    2021-04-27 12:58:44下载
  • fangben_v28
    ldpc码的编解码实现,大学数值分析算法,LCMV优化设计阵列处理信号。( Codec ldpc code implementation University of numerical analysis algorithms, LCMV optimization design array signal processing.)
    2017-04-04 18:42:44下载
  • getstart
    matlab官方出品的上手教程,科研必备。(Matlab official production of the first-hand course, scientific research is necessary.)
    2020-06-24 03:20:01下载
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