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于 2013-12-05 发布 文件大小:1KB
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  波束形成方法的到达方向估计。波束成形,是通用信号处理技术,用于控制传播的方向和射频信号的接收。作为Wi-Fi802.11n标准的可选部分,beamforming被定义为两种基本类型:内在的和外在的。(The Beamforming method for direction of arrival estimation)



0 个回复

  • intface
    fish语言建模,flac3的软件模型尺寸(fish language modeling, flac3 software model size)
    2014-12-21 10:03:38下载
  • K-mean-clustering
    K-mean方法聚类 实现多幅图像的K均值方法的聚类并显示(K-mean clustering,Efficient method to achieve multiple images of the K-means clustering method and display)
    2011-12-23 12:19:05下载
    小区搜索的ETU-300的信道分析,有机密的动态链接库函数。(The ETU-300 cell search channel analysis, a dynamic link library functions confidential.)
    2010-10-03 14:44:33下载
  • Matlab++
    MATLAB曲面拟合(注:本例参考他人)(MATLAB surface fitting (Note: in this case a reference to others))
    2008-08-08 11:42:44下载
  • UKF_FileSeperate
    目前看到的最为清晰简单的 UKF 源码,有很详细的注释的(Now see the most clear and simple UKF source, there is a very detailed notes of)
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  • shortestpath
    基于WLAN室内无线环境,针对点到点之间的最短路径的采用floyd等算法实现仿真。(WLAN-based indoor wireless environment, the shortest path between point for the adoption of such floyd algorithm simulation.)
    2013-09-11 16:42:28下载
  • nb-ldpcDECODE-16QAM
    非二进制软译码很实用要学非二进制LDPC的同学可以参考一下(NB-LDPC decode)
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  • ADA451278
    This is a master thesis on fingerprint identification system. This has matlab code in appendix also.
    2009-05-15 03:25:36下载
  • cosamp
    Compressive Sampling Matching Pursuit
    2011-09-02 12:09:54下载
  • periodogramestimate
    Generate 100 samples of a zero-mean white noise sequence with variance , by using a uniform random number generator. a Compute the autocorrelation of for . b Compute the periodogram estimate and plot it. c Generate 10 different realizations of , and compute the corresponding sample autocorrelation sequences , and . Compute the average autocorrelation sequence as and the corresponding periodogram for . d Compute and plot the average periodogram using the Bartlett method. e Comment on the results in parts (a) through (d). (Generate 100 samples of a zero-mean white noise sequence with variance, by using a uniform random number generator.a Compute the autocorrelation of for. B Compute the periodogram estimate and plot it. C Generate 10 different realizations of, and compute the corresponding sample autocorrelation sequences, and. Compute the average autocorrelation sequence as and the corresponding periodogram for. d Compute and plot the average periodogram using the Bartlett method. e Comment on the results in parts (a) through (d).)
    2007-12-20 17:48:04下载
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