分布式电源系统具有大容量、高效率、高可靠性等优点,其广泛采用多模块并联方式,但模块间因为控制参数不同,且各模块输出是电压源性质,如果没有特殊的均流措施,输出电压的微小偏差会导致输出电流很大的差别,一旦某个模块过载,将造成一个或多个功率器件热应力过大,从而降低系统的稳定性。(The current-sharing is one of the key technologies in Paralleled DC/DC converters to distribute the load current equally. Common current-sharing technologies are divided into passive and active methods. With different kinds of output voltage regulation and different means of current sharing line production, several control methods are proposed in the active methods. The principle of current sharing technologies and main current-sharing methods are systematically analyzed, some new current-sharing methods which include masterless modular current-sharing (MMCS) technique and no current share line control are summarized. The technology of current sharing tends toward the direction of digitalization and intellectualization with digital control. )