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于 2013-05-08 发布 文件大小:324KB
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  该文件包含完整的区域分裂合并算法,可用与图像分割(split_merge algorithm)



0 个回复

  • kalman-2
    卡尔曼滤波,老师上课所用程序,供大家学习参考(Kalman filter, the process used to class the teacher for them to learn information)
    2011-01-17 13:24:32下载
  • Kmeans
    a kmean clustering prog
    2010-05-21 19:17:01下载
  • schrodinger
    this code solves schrodiger
    2011-06-23 17:44:05下载
  • power_standardization
    幂法是一种计算矩阵主特征值(矩阵按模最大的特征值)及对应特征向量的迭代方法,特别适用于大型稀疏矩阵。 但是,一般幂法迭代向量v的各个不等于零的分量将随k 趋向于无穷大而使计算机溢出。因此,我们必须对某通幕法进行规范。即规范化幂法 (Power Method is a calculation of the main eigenvalue matrix (matrix according to the largest eigenvalue modulus) and the corresponding eigenvector of the iterative method, especially for large sparse matrix. However, the general power-law iteration vector v is not equal to zero all the components will be as k tends to infinity overflow of the computer. Therefore, we must pass a law to regulate screen. That is, standardized Power Method)
    2008-02-24 00:11:59下载
  • dianzufenxi
    直流电阻分析,戴维南定理,一阶动态电路,二阶动态电路,正选稳态电路 (DC resistance analysis, Thevenin theorem, first-order dynamic circuit, the second-order dynamic circuits are selected steady-state circuit)
    2012-05-28 17:13:43下载
  • cs
    说明:  桥大学的YANG 和拉曼工程大学的 DEB 模拟布谷鸟的寻窝产卵行为, 提出一种新的智能优化算法 —— 布谷鸟搜索算法( Cuckoo Search) [9]。这种算法主要 基于布谷鸟的巢寄生繁殖机理和莱维飞行( L† vy flights) 搜索原理两个方面, 目前, 利用布谷鸟搜索算法( CS)求解 优化问题的研究还处于起步阶段。(This demo program only implements a standard version of Cuckoo Search (CS), as the Levy flights and generation of new solutions may use slightly different methods. The pseudo code was given sequentially (select a cuckoo etc), but the implementation here uses Matlab s vector capability, which results in neater/better codes and shorter running time. )
    2014-07-06 17:34:18下载
  • shuzubaocun
    通过选择法,选出一组数据,导入到新建的数组中(By selecting the method to elect a set of data, into the new array)
    2011-09-10 16:50:53下载
  • MUD
    DS-spread spectrum系统中,噪声为加性高斯白噪声,传统单用户检测,线性解相关多用户检测和最小均方误差多用户检测的性能比较(DS-spread spectrum system, the noise is additive white Gaussian noise, the traditional single-user detection, the linear decorrelating multiuser detection and MMSE Multiuser Detection Performance Comparison)
    2009-04-01 15:39:29下载
  • PSO
    Global Optimization Toolbox provides methods that search for global solutions to problems that contain multiple maxima or minima. It includes global search, multistart, pattern search, genetic algorithm, and simulated annealing solvers. You can use these solvers to solve optimization problems where the objective or constraint function is continuous, discontinuous, stochastic, does not possess derivatives, or includes simulations or black-box functions with undefined values for some parameter settings.
    2011-01-19 01:18:42下载
  • MATLABkp
    基于MATLAB的扩频通信系统仿真研究,里面说明了扩频通信系统如何仿真(MATLAB-based spread-spectrum communications system simulation studies, which shows a spread spectrum communications system simulation how)
    2007-06-23 18:05:23下载
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