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于 2013-12-03 发布 文件大小:97KB
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  本资源是matlab精密单点定位后处理方法的源代码(This resource is the precise point positioning matlab source code approach)



0 个回复

  • HEED-Protocol-applied-in-Matlab
    HEED protocol used in wireless sensor networks
    2014-01-15 21:47:47下载
  • LSZ422
    认知无线电 硬判决 EGC 不同虚警概率(Cognitive radio hard decision EGC different probability of false alarm)
    2012-07-22 13:20:04下载
  • Face-Detect-Software
    Face recognitiion and detection system in matlab
    2013-09-11 01:13:57下载
  • simplex
    利用单纯形法求解线性规划,输入为标准型的线性规划,求解得到最优解和最优值(Use simplex method to solve linear programming, enter as the standard type of linear programming, for solving the optimal solution and optimal value)
    2008-01-04 02:19:36下载
  • cycle_spinning-gibbs
    用平移变换平移法(cycle_spinning)消除gibbs效应(Shift with the shift transformation method (cycle_spinning) Effect of the elimination gibbs)
    2009-11-03 09:44:18下载
  • practalmatlabcode
    说明:  分形的matlab程序, including the image and signal(practal analysis matlab code)
    2010-05-02 21:10:41下载
  • lpc
    license plate code for detecting
    2012-02-08 17:57:29下载
  • nccmp
    比较两个netcdf文件 1。通过添加内部ind2sub1函数remove函数依赖第三方 2。格式化文本(Description NCCMP compares two netcdf files and prints the differences. This function is useful for testing mathematical forecasting or prediction models. USAGE: NCCMP(ncfile1,ncfile2) NCCMP(ncfile1,ncfile2,tolerance,forceCompare) INPUT: ncfile1- name of the NetCDF file to compare ncfile2- name of the NetCDF file to compare tolerance- Compare numeric data using a tolerance threshold forceCompare- if false, exit when first difference is found true: continues to process all variables EXAMPLES: nccmp( old.nc , new.nc ,0.000001) nccmp( old.nc , new.nc ,[],true) FEATURES: 1. Print the differences and their locations 2. Exits when first difference is found or optionally continues to process all variables 3. User defined tolerance threshold to compare the variables TO DO: 1. Specific variable inclusion or exclusion 2. Specific attribute inclusion or exclusion 3. Option to ignore the history attribute 4. Ignore difference between v)
    2014-09-16 13:34:49下载
  • 101259390halfbandfilter
    半带滤波器是另一种计算效率高、实时性强的高效滤波器。这种滤波器特别适合作变换因子为2N倍的抽取或内插运算。(Another half-band filter is computationally efficient and real time high-performance filters. This filter is particularly suitable for the transformation factor is 2N times the extraction or interpolation operations.)
    2010-06-05 12:02:45下载
  • ARMA模型matlab
    说明:  ARMA预测模型,程序齐全,内容丰富。。。。。。(ARMA prediction model, complete procedures, rich content...)
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