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于 2015-03-17 发布 文件大小:1KB
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  Video summarization refers to creating a summary of a video. Medical examinations like endoscopy and bronchoscopy lasts more than 20 minutes .The doctor may not have sufficient time to watch the entire video or the whole of video content may not be of interest to the examiner. Sometimes the medical video has to be sent to a specialist who is located at a distant place. In such cases, the doctor may just want to view the summary of the video instead of watching the whole video. Thus , the summary should be such that it should convey as much information about the occurrence of various incidents in the video. Video summarization plays an important role in efficient storage, quick browsing and retri of large collection of video data without losing important aspects. It also reduces transmission bandwidth efficiently when need arises. Efficient summarization of video recordings of bronchoscopic and endoscopic procedures is also highly relevant for the development of medical video libraries.



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  • work
    本文中有两个函数m文件:model126.m是一个用于预测的完全没有用工具箱函数的补偿模糊神经网络主程序,用于仿真、对比训练数据和网络输出的差异;cb.m是一个非线性系统的数学模型,在model126.m中用“ode45”函数求解这个数学模型后,可以得到105个x1(t)、x2(t)和y(t),从而建立起一个两输入一输出的补偿模糊神经网络。(failed to translate)
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