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于 2013-05-08 发布 文件大小:1KB
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  用于提取LPC参数的MATLAB程序,并通过MATLAB展示出参数图形。(MATLAB program used to extract the LPC parameters, and by the graphics of MATLAB demonstrated parameters.)



0 个回复

  • LMMSE_constellation
    线性最小均方误差估计,估计恢复出的信号星座图(The linear minimum mean square error estimation,Estimation of LMMSE signal constellation restoration)
    2013-01-20 12:03:38下载
  • hHHoough111o
    hough变换检测直直线的matlab算法 (hough transform to detect straight linear Matlab algorithm)
    2012-09-08 14:02:38下载
  • lle
    一个lle的matlab代码,完成我自己硕士论文时所编写(Lle of a matlab code to complete my master s thesis written at)
    2008-12-11 11:04:11下载
  • robustica_package
    RobustICA和FastICA算法功能一样,但比FastICA更稳定更简单,包含演示程序,简单易用(RobustICA has the same function as FastICA,but is more stable and easier,including demo programme,it s easy to use.)
    2020-09-20 08:57:51下载
  • For-ncomplex-indllSt.rar
    模型是进行控制与稳定性分析的基础,可以服务于仿真、系统行为分析、系 统内在机理分析、控制、预测、监督与故障诊断等目的。因此,建立系统的模型 已成为许多科学研究与工程实施的首要问题。(Model is the basis for control and stability analysis, can serve simulation, system behavior analysis, the internal mechanism of the system analysis, control, forecasting, monitoring and troubleshooting purposes. Therefore, the establishment of the system model has been implemented for many scientific and engineering the most important issue.)
    2013-10-17 09:54:51下载
  • cs_code
    常见压缩感知算法汇总,L1,OMP,GP(Common used compressed sensing algorithm summary, L1, OMP, GP)
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  • DTW(matlab)
    matlab编写的时间序列动态弯曲算法,包含有使用说明(If you pass in 2 vectors it returns the unnormalized distance between the vectors, the accumulated distance between them, the length of the warping path (the normalizing factor), and the warping path points.)
    2012-04-19 11:35:12下载
  • axisymmetricKZK
    This code is about HIFU simulator at first we need axisymmetricKZK.m - Driver for axisymmetric KZK integrator
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  • code
    绝对齐全的语音识别代码,包括hmm dtw和语音特征的提取部分,有详细的说明和讲解(Absolutely wonderful speech recognition code, including the HMM DTW and speech feature extraction part, a detailed description and explanation)
    2016-05-22 16:16:27下载
  • spectrum-estimation
    功率谱估计是利用有限长的数据估计信号的功率谱,广泛应用于各个领域。功率谱估计主要分为经典谱估计与现代谱估计。常用的经典谱估计方法有周期图法,相关法,周期图的改进法,常用的现代谱估计方法有最大熵谱估计,AR模型,MA模型,ARMA模型。经典谱估计适用于长序列的信号,其主要缺陷是描述功率谱波动的数字特征方差性能差,频率分辨率低,现代谱估计适用于短序列的信号,旨在改善谱估计的分辨率,并将其应用于实际地震资料的谱分析。 (Power spectrum estimation is the use of a finite length data to estimate the power spectrum of the signal, widely used in various fields. Power spectrum estimation is divided into classic and modern spectral estimation spectral estimation. Commonly used methods of classical periodogram spectrum estimation method, the relevant law, the cycle graph Improvement Act, commonly used in modern spectral estimation methods have maximum entropy spectral estimation, AR model, MA model, ARMA model. Classical spectral estimation applied to signal a long sequence, its main drawback is the fluctuation power spectrum describing digital signature variance performance is poor, the frequency resolution is low, modern spectral estimation applied to signal short sequences designed to improve spectral estimation resolution, and The analysis applied to real seismic data spectrum.)
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