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于 2014-01-03 发布 文件大小:140KB
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  Neural network simple example



0 个回复

  • EQ_SrcCode
    用MATLAB实现的简单的EQ功能,根据系数的调整,可以得到8种不同的音效(A simple EQ function implemented by MATLAB . You can get 8 different sound effects according to the adjustment factor )
    2009-11-04 16:13:02下载
  • APermanentmagnetsynchronousmotorvectorcontrolsyste
    : 讨论了一种采用 D S P芯片T MS 3 2 0 L F 2 4 0 7实现无传感器永磁同步电机转子磁场定向矢量控制的方案, 介 绍了永磁同步电机的数学模型和矢量控制的基本原理, 给出了在无位置传感器的情况下电机转子位置信号的确定 方法, 采用i , = 0的对凸极式转子磁路结构的无传感器永磁同步电动机的控制方法, 说明采用高速数字信号处理器 易于实现复杂的矢量控制算法, 可以有效地解决电机的强耦合特性.(: A s o l u t i o n t o c o n t r o l a p e r ma n e n t ma g n e t s y n c h r o n o u s m o t o r ( P MS M)o f s e n s o r l e s s u s i n g t h e TM$ 3 2 0LF 2 40 7 i S d i s c u s s e d. A br i e f i n t r o d u c t i o n o f t h e ma t h e ma t i c mo d e l a n d t he v e c t o r c o n t r o l o f PMS M i s p r e s e n t e d,a n d t h e me t h o d o f a s c e r t a i n i n g t h e r o t o r p o s i t i o n u nd e r t h e c i r c u ms t a n c e o f s p e e d s e n s o r l e s s i s a l s o me n t i o n e d.Th e c o n t r o l me t h o d o f i d 0 o n s a l i e n t p o l e PMSM wh i c h i s s e n s or l e s s i s p ut f o r wa r d,wh i c h s h o ws t h a t i f we us e t h e d i g i t a l s i g n a l p r o c e s s o r we c a n ma k e t h e c o mpl i c a t e d v e c t o r c o n— t r o l a r i t h me t i c c o me t r u e e a s i l y,a n)
    2021-04-18 16:28:57下载
  • matlabvolating
    用于求微分方程问题的数值解法,自己编的程序,希望高手指点(Demand equations for the numerical solution of the problem, his series of procedures in the hope master guiding)
    2010-05-14 14:15:02下载
  • FDTD_1D
    用有限元差分法求解一维电磁场的matlab程序,该程序给出了电磁场随时间的演化图(Finite difference method with the one-dimensional electromagnetic field of the matlab program, which gives the time evolution of the electromagnetic field map)
    2011-07-24 10:04:05下载
  • zhongzhi
    信号处理常用程序,中值滤波,提供给信号处理初学者的matlab编程。(Common signal processing procedures, the median filter)
    2010-10-18 17:07:05下载
  • line
    matlab程序,利用Hough变换进行线提取。有图,可直接运行查看效果!(matlab procedures, the use of Hough transform for line extraction. There are maps, can be run to view results!)
    2009-06-05 17:21:22下载
  • WCDMAsim
    说明:  wcdma的上行链路、下行链路图形生成,用户自己输入参数,进行计算(wcdma uplink, downlink pattern generation, user input parameters, calculated)
    2010-04-25 15:42:46下载
  • kalmanRA2
    针对噪声,用AR2建模,用卡尔曼滤波,并用Allan方差检验(against noise, using AR2 modeling, Kalman filtering, and with Allan variance test)
    2006-10-19 16:39:40下载
  • GAbinary
    gentic algorithm still
    2011-11-24 05:04:07下载
  • DriverGuide
    matlab code for Device Drivers
    2015-02-03 13:51:28下载
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