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  MuGuard Official base source



0 个回复

  • tongxun
    用winsock实现两机通讯的一个小软件 特别简单 不再具体介绍(Winsock implementation to use two planes, a small communications software in particular is no longer easy introduction of specific)
    2009-03-06 09:33:16下载
  • ATP 3.0 Files
    ATP Prototype EA. Can be use with certain pairs.
    2019-01-09 16:24:22下载
  • 第八届
    说明:  蓝桥杯嵌入式第八届模拟题及答案 蓝桥杯” 第八届全国软件和信息技术专业人才大赛个人赛 (电子类)模拟试题-嵌入式设计与开发项目 第二部分:实践题 “温湿度监控设备”设计任务书 一. 功能简述 “温湿度监控设备”通过采集传感器输出电压信号和信号频率得到环境温湿度数据,并能够根据设定的温湿度阈值执行相应动作,系统框图如图1所示:(Blue Bridge Cup Embedded 8th Analog Questions and Answers Blue Bridge Cup 8th National Software and Information Technology Professionals Competition Personal Competition (Electronic) Analog Questions-Embedded Design and Development Project Part 2: Practice Question "Temperature and Humidity Monitoring Equipment" Design Task 1. Function Brief Introduction of "Temperature and Humidity Monitoring Equipment" Output Voltage Signal and Signal Frequency by Collecting Sensors The environmental temperature and humidity data are obtained and the corresponding actions can be performed according to the set temperature and humidity threshold. The system block diagram is shown in Figure 1.)
    2019-03-18 02:24:06下载
    lecciones de programación vb
    2015-09-22 10:11:06下载
  • USB(VC)
    一个用VC++写的有关USB接口通信的程序,(a VC++ to write the USB communication procedures,)
    2007-05-29 08:15:09下载
  • fuctionevaluateimagedefinition3
    通过分析比较3种聚焦效果较好的清晰度评价函数,提出了一种基于聚焦窗口模式的平方梯度函数作为聚焦评价函数,建立了评价函数的数学模型,并给出了实验分析和结果。与以往常用的评价函数相比,具有更高的可靠性和聚焦灵敏度(Compared by analyzing the three kinds of focus better clarity evaluation function, a model based on the focus window as a function of the square gradient focusing evaluation function, the establishment of the evaluation function of the mathematical model, and gives the experimental analysis and results. Commonly used in previous evaluation function, compared with higher reliability and sensitivity Highlights)
    2008-02-28 13:18:39下载
  • vs2008fundamental
    Visual Studio 2008 基础教程 Visual Studio 2008 入门教程 (Visual Studio 2008, Visual Studio 2008 Essentials Tutorial)
    2012-06-14 10:47:51下载
  • SCommTest
    说明:  读串口数据并存入指定excel文件,可调巡检次数,巡检时间间隔(Reading serial data and paid into the excel document, adjustable inspection frequency, inspection time interval)
    2008-11-22 19:21:39下载
  • Joseph-problem
    有N个小孩围坐成一个圆,从某个小孩开始顺序报数,报到M的小孩从圈子中离开, 从下一个小孩重新开始报数。每报到M相应的小孩从圈子离开, 最后一个离开圈子的小孩为胜者。 (N children sitting in a circle, the start sequence from one child reported the number to report child of M from the circle to leave and re-start from the next child reported number. Registration M corresponding child away from the circle, the last child to leave the circle for the winner.)
    2012-10-22 09:59:34下载
  • kingbos
    关于教育网站的开发和架构,采用三层架构模式,使用于多企业(Website development framework on education)
    2013-09-08 13:46:48下载
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