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于 2015-03-13 发布 文件大小:2KB
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  蒙特卡洛模拟单离子一维鞘层代码,可作为入门学习使用(Monte Carlo simulation of a single one-dimensional ion sheath code)



0 个回复

  • LHS
    拉丁超立方抽样,调用方式如下:S=lhs(m,dist,mu,sigma,lowb,upb) m: a scalar,the number of sample points dist: A row with distribution type flags of basic random variables the value of the flag can be 1 (for uniform distribution, 2(for normal distribution), 3(for lognormal) and 4(for extreme type 1). mu: A row vector comprising the mean value of basic random variables. sigma: A row vector with its length equaligng to mu,including the standard deviation of basic random variables. lowb: a row vector with its elements are the lower bound of the sampling interval upb:a row vector with its elements are the upper bounds of the sampling interval dist,mu,sigma,lowb,upb must have the same length. Output argument S: sampling point matrix, of which each row is a sampling point.(code of Latin Hypercube Sampling)
    2021-03-03 16:29:33下载
  • Matlab-bianchengChinese
    说明:  matlab编程的中文版,非常珍贵的电子书!(Chinese version of matlab programming, e-books are very precious!)
    2008-08-29 20:18:43下载
  • MATLAB_3
    matlab6.0的学习书籍,对于matlab6.0使用不是很了解的的人,用这个很方便,是一本很不错的入门加精通的书籍。(matlab6.0 learning books, for matlab6.0 use is not very understanding person, with this very convenient, is a very good master entry plus books)
    2010-05-21 14:59:10下载
  • Identifying_pulse_response
    系统辨识课上做的利用相关分析法辨识脉冲响应的实验。包括用M序列生成白噪声,计算互相关函数得到脉冲响应估计值等等,比较基础(Experiment about Identifying the pulse response with a method of correlative analysis in my class on system identification. It contains using M-sequence to generate white noise, bu calculating cross-correlation function to get impulse response estimates ect.)
    2020-11-26 21:59:31下载
  • soil_cp_org
    function to calculate the specific heat of organic soil, given the fractions of dry soil and water in the soil sample
    2009-06-08 23:40:00下载
  • ofdm
    MIMO-OFDM的matlab程序,包括接收和发送部分,采取了简化的信道模型。(the matlab program code for MIMO-OFDM, including the transmission and receiving model.it adopts a simple channel model)
    2010-01-14 13:23:35下载
  • malab
    matlab画图,教你如何用最简单的方法画一维图像(matlab drawing, teach you how to use the most simple way to draw a one-dimensional image)
    2011-11-26 10:52:46下载
  • ball
    小球撞壁变色的matlab程序,以一图片为背景,小球随机移动,小球撞壁时颜色改变(The ball hit the wall discoloration matlab program)
    2013-01-04 13:21:16下载
  • shiyu
    绘出时域图,在时域上进行分析,提取时域特征值:绝对均值,标准差,有效值,方根幅值,波形指标等等,进行故障特征提取,识别故障(The time domain diagram is drawn and the time domain is analyzed. The time domain eigenvalues are extracted: absolute mean, standard deviation, effective value, square root amplitude, waveform index and so on. Fault feature extraction and fault identification are carried out.)
    2018-06-01 21:19:27下载
  • OPTpid
    最优PID控制器资料,包含matlab程序和详细的文档说明。对做pid控制的肯定有帮助( Optimal PID controller matlab program and documentation)
    2013-11-19 15:16:29下载
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