The principal characteristic of VSC-HVDC transmission is its ability to independently control the reactive and real power flow at each of the AC systems to which it is connected, at the Point of Common Coupling (PCC). In contrast to line-commutated HVDC transmission, the polarity of the DC link voltage remains the same with the DC current being reversed to change the direction of power flow.
- 2021-04-24 13:38:47下载
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采用平面波展开法求解二维光子晶体能带,有正方形和六边形(Plane wave expansion method for solving two-dimensional photonic crystal band)
- 2014-09-04 09:47:09下载
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matlab教程实例源代码,非常实用的学习工具,包含各种应用(matlab code)
- 2009-11-02 18:28:05下载
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Arithhmetic coding of a file
- 2011-02-04 23:15:55下载
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这是一个使用希尔伯特黄变化提取心音包络的程序(extract the envelope of the heart sound based on hilbert-hung transfrom)
- 2009-11-02 15:28:28下载
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摘要:计算机动态仿真是混沌应用研究的重要方法"该文介绍了环境下的可视化建模与动态仿真步骤(Abstract: The computer simulation is a chaotic dynamic applied research an important means of )
- 2008-05-16 10:47:53下载
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CT图像重建中的代数重建工具包(AIR Tools is a MATLAB software package for tomographic reconstruction (and other imaging problems) consisting of a number of algebraic iterative reconstruction methods. The work was carried out as part of the project CSI: Computational Science in Imaging, funded by the Danish Research Council for Technology and Production Sciences, and headed by Prof. Per Christian Hansen, DTU Compute. The collaborators are DTU Compute, Dept. of Electronic Systems at Aalborg University, and MOSEK ApS. The main part of the Matlab code was written by Maria Saxild-Hansen. The core of the functions fambeamtomo, paralleltomo, and seismictomo was written by Jakob Sauer J鴕gensen.)
- 2014-02-10 01:53:55下载
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自适应特征值的时延估计算法,matlab(Adaptive time delay estimation algorithm eigenvalue, matlab)
- 2010-07-19 23:56:29下载
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说明: 一个完整的adrc源码资料,对adrc学习者会有帮助(adrc matlab software toutin)
- 2021-04-08 20:59:00下载
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Jerk系统产生的混沌模拟信号,并对其进行了离散化处理 (Chaos Jerk analog signal generated by the system, and its discrete processing)
- 2015-04-01 15:53:52下载
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