首页 » matlab » Autocorrelation


于 2011-12-28 发布 文件大小:66KB
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  用微分自相关法实现运动模糊图像模糊参数估计的功能,是目前较少公布的微分自相关法实现模糊参数估计。(Autocorrelation method with a differential image to achieve motion blur blur parameter estimation function, the differential is less published method fuzzy autocorrelation parameter estimation.)






0 个回复

  • elman
    ELMAN计算方法,改进的算法,非常好用(ELMAN calculation algorithm, the improved,use very well)
    2016-07-13 23:45:25下载
  • CBIR
    一个基于Gabor滤波器组的多特征融合的图像检索算法(CBIR based on Multi-Features Combining Multi-parameters from Gabor Filter-bank, 简称multi法),融合了基于Gabor 小波系数的标准方差,峰态,能量,平滑度和一致性度量五个特征量度,实验表明,该算法是一种更加有效的图像检索方法。(we propose a CBIR algorithm based on Multi-Features Combining Multi-parameters from Gabor Filter-bank(called multi algorithm for short), which use Gabor filter banks and combine five features including standard deviation, kurtosis, energy, smoothness and uniformity together. The results of experiments show that this algorithm is a more effective method used for image retrieval.)
    2021-04-20 23:08:49下载
  • TMyPolyStockh
    实现凸多边形排样,使用临界多边形NFP判断两个凸多边形形是否相交,使用启发式算法提高效率, (Convex polygon nesting, polygon NFP to determine whether two convex polygon-shaped intersection, the use of heuristic algorithms to improve efficiency,)
    2021-03-30 22:59:09下载
  • 123
    这是一份关于数字图像处理半色调打印技术的MATLab源程序。(This is a paper about Halftoning.)
    2012-04-08 14:13:01下载
  • PDE_Programs
    图像处理的偏微分方程方法,包括曲线演化,图像分割,图像滤波,图像复原等的matlab源代码。(Partial differential equations of image processing methods, including curve evolution, image segmentation, image filtering, image restoration, etc. matlab source code.)
    2011-08-10 15:56:03下载
  • segmant
    在VS2012平台上利用C++语言和opencv实现对图像的分块,并保存分块图像(Using the C++ language and OpenCV to block the image on the VS2012 platform and save the block image)
    2017-12-13 16:05:48下载
  • 2Curvelet
    第二代Curvelet变换及其在图像融合中的应用研究,第二代Curvelet较第一代有更好的发展前景(Second-generation Curvelet Transform and Its Application in Image Fusion of applied research, the second-generation Curvelet better than the first generation of the development prospects of)
    2009-12-07 11:44:17下载
  • Stabilization-
    基于块匹配的稳像算法,包括演示视频,非常全面,希望对大家有帮助(Stabilization based on block matching algorithms, including a demonstration video, very comprehensive, we hope to help)
    2011-07-19 11:16:19下载
  • Image-Fusion
    泊松融合在某种意义上解决了图像融合的问题,但其在融合的过程中仅仅考虑了融入图像的梯度,而没有利用背景图像的梯度,因此,在使用泊松融合的过程中,需要对融入区域的标记较为准确,否则,会造成背景纹理的丢失,视觉上可以明显觉察图像融入的痕迹。因此,对公式稍作修改,在考虑前景的同时考虑背景的变化,可以得到更优的结果。(Poisson convergence in a sense solved the problem of image fusion, but it only considers the integration of image gradient in the integration process, but not the use of a background image gradient, therefore, the use of the Poisson integration process, the need for more accurate marker into the area, otherwise, it will result in the loss of background texture, image integration can clearly perceive the visual traces. Therefore, the formula slightly modified, in considering the prospect of taking into account the changes in the background, you can get better results.)
    2015-04-21 12:11:50下载
  • MPPT
    MPPT algorithm INC method
    2021-03-13 14:59:24下载
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