首页 » matlab » Pitch-detection-MATLAB


于 2013-11-30 发布 文件大小:11KB
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  基音检测的MATLAB程序,好含有分帧程序,短时域所有相关分帧处理算法代码。(Pitch detection MATLAB.)



0 个回复

  • LMS_P107
    本程序为《自适应信号处理》(王永德等译,机械工业出版社)书中107图SER算法和LMS算法比较的源程序,仿真效果和书上一致(This program is " adaptive signal processing" (s Acoustic other translation, Mechanical Industry Press) book 107 SER algorithm and LMS algorithm for graph comparison of the source, the simulation results and the same book)
    2010-11-12 09:52:33下载
  • natblaster
    nat blaster,测试nat的连通性能.(nat blaster, tests nat to connect the performance )
    2006-07-27 12:21:34下载
  • SDEmatlab
    基于监督学习的一种非线性数据降维方法,可以很好地将低维特征从其所在的高维流形中提取出来,用于数据分类。(A nonlinear data dimension reduction based on supervised learning method, is a good way to the lower dimensional feature extracted from its place of higher dimensional manifold, used for data classification.)
    2013-09-11 16:52:06下载
  • Chapter8ReadMe
    efficient and simple
    2010-10-17 05:51:45下载
  • labelCombination.tar
    Combining some labeled images is a quite common and useful task in image analysis. That s something we may want to do to prepare the markers for a watershed from markers for example, or to write the output of several segmentations in a single file. This article comes with three new filters to make the combination of labeled images easier with ITK. This contribution also try to provide an implementation better integrated with the ITK pipeline model than the itkMultipleUnlabeledImagesToLabeledImageFilter contribution.
    2007-10-23 08:59:50下载
  • redundancy
    B-Spline Surface (with redundant points) Least-Squares Fitting of both Positions and Normals.
    2011-05-26 13:17:22下载
  • HS_multi_echelles
    the Horn-schanks implemented code for matlab that represent the movement of images in multiple levels , this method is better than lucas-kannad
    2013-05-25 09:49:43下载
  • monte-carlo-method
    蒙特卡罗方法的计算机模拟,主要是散射方面(failed to translate)
    2011-05-18 11:37:40下载
  • Differential-Equations-Linear--Nonlinear--Ordinar
    Differential Equations Linear, Nonlinear, Ordinary, Partial
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  • LIDAR-point-cloud-data-p-and-a
    LIDAR点云数据处理与应用 -分析 L I D A R点云数据的获取原理及分类 , 探讨 Mi c r o s t a t i o n 的 t e r r a 模块 数据及 L I D A R点云数据 的分类处理 方法。( Get principle and classification, classification method to explore the terra Mi crostation module data and LIDAR point cloud data LIDAR point cloud data processing and analysis applications - LIDAR point cloud data.)
    2015-04-14 17:32:18下载
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