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于 2012-11-09 发布 文件大小:1KB
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  2D共型网格的FDTD程序, matlab程序(2D common type grid FDTD program, matlab program)



0 个回复

  • abc_report
    说明:  Matlab 关于混沌的一个gui编程简介(Matlab Adventures in Bifurcations & Chaos" (ABC++) is a GUI application, which runs in a Matlab environment and has been designed for the exploration of bifurcations and chaos within the Chua Circuit paradigm.)
    2010-04-05 17:36:45下载
  • mimo--tianxian
    整理出的一个关于mimo天线选择的程序,用matlab编写的,希望对大家有用(Sorted out the program using matlab mimo antenna selection)
    2012-05-03 14:32:05下载
  • InvCWT
    This collection of files is an extension of the wavelet software package originally written by Torrence and Compo (http://paos.colorado.edu/research/wavelets/software.html) The main functions are: 1. contwt.m: (continuous wavelet transform). This is essentially Torrence and Compo s wavelet.m with a few modifications (more inputs and outputs for easier access) 2. invcwt.m: inverse continuous wavelet transform.
    2011-08-18 18:50:16下载
  • sign-theory-for-MATLAB
    雷达信号理论的MATLAB(林茂庸著)内相关MATLAB仿真程序(MATLAB for radar sign theory )
    2014-09-23 16:10:44下载
  • capture_interface
    Just a few functions used in my other toolboxes, for computing MSE and PSNR and some other less common image quality metrics.
    2014-02-17 08:04:50下载
  • TextViewStubActivity
    TextViewStubActivity extends Activity.List of "line number" entries, which are the contents of {@code LineNumberTable} attributes.
    2014-02-20 11:59:53下载
  • jpeg-compression
    compression algorithm-matlab code
    2010-07-30 17:09:30下载
  • gprchengxiang
    用FDTD建立二维模型,使用matlab实现衍射层析成像显示目标的电性参数(diffraction tomography)
    2009-11-24 18:58:23下载
  • 3-10-bit-pipeline_10b_adc
    model simulink of 10 bit pipelined adc
    2011-02-05 07:26:57下载
  • pptmixer
    英语译成中文(简体) 所提供的功能解决在量子信息领域的共同问题。给定一个任意多粒子的状态,是真正的多方纠缠?如果被检测为纠缠状态,功能也为它提供了一个所谓的纠缠的见证。 另外一个文档,压缩文件中包含的检测和真正的多方纠缠量化功能。为此目的,乙Jungnitsch,吨Moroder和O. Gühne,物理的思想。牧师快报。 106,190502(2011)(或http://arxiv.org/abs/1010.6049)被应用。 更确切地说,提供下列文件: * fdecwit.m 一个函数来检测任何一个国家真正的多方层面多方纠缠。如果国家被检测为纠缠,它也提供了一个证人。 * fpptwit.m 此功能还可以检测真正的多方纠缠,并提供了证人。然而,所涉及的最小化是那么复杂。因此,虽然它检测到的国家较少,这个功能是一个可行的颗粒较多。 * entmon.m 评估纠缠单调在Phys主办。牧师快报。 106,190502(2011年)的多方状态。 * pt.m 辅助函数来计算一个Hermitian算子部分转置。(The provided functions tackle a common problem in the field of quantum information. Given an arbitrary multiparticle state, is it genuinely multipartite entangled ? If the state is detected as entangled, the functions also provide a so-called entanglement witness for it. Besides a documentation, the zip-file contains functions for the detection and quantification of genuine multipartite entanglement. For this purposes, the ideas of B. Jungnitsch, T. Moroder and O. Gühne, Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 190502 (2011) (or http://arxiv.org/abs/1010.6049) are applied. More precisely, the following files are provided: * fdecwit.m A function to detect genuine multipartite entanglement of a multipartite state of any dimension. In case the state is detected as entangled, it also provides a witness. * fpptwit.m This function also detects genuine multipartite entanglement and provides a witness. However, the involved minimization is less complex. Therefore, although it detects fewer states, this f)
    2011-05-21 13:10:03下载
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