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  ga binary code that consist three file: main ga code,cost and selection code



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  • Chapter3
    关于bpsk 的一些代码,一个很牛的人写的,非常值得一看(bpsk read)
    2014-10-19 21:38:45下载
  • pso1
    Economic load dispatch problem is allocating loads to plants for minimum cost while meeting the constraints. It is formulated as an optimization problem of minimizing the total fuel cost of all committed plant while meeting the demand and losses .The variants of the problems are numerous which model the objective and the constraints in different ways. The basic economic dispatch problem can described mathematically as a minimization of problem of minimizing the total fuel cost of all committed plants subject to the constraints
    2014-11-11 18:17:17下载
  • population
    人口增长(动物繁殖)模型,确定种群的固有增长率和稳定分布,建立稳定收获模型。 (it is about a model of population increasing)
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  • matlab2
    MATLAB 视频教程2 适合初学者,帮你从零开始学起(MATLAB Video Tutorial 2 for beginners, to help you learn starting from scratch)
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  • De-noising-for-Chaotic-Signal
    为了提高小波分析方法在混沌去噪中的自适应能力,对不同尺度下的小波信号设定调节因子,根据混沌序列 关联维的大小确定最优阈值。为了提高寻优效率,采用遗传算法全局自适应搜索最优阈值。利用该方法对Lorenz混沌时 间序列进行了去噪分析,结果表明所提方法是非常有效的。(For the purpose of improving adaptive performance of chaotic signals de-noising with wavelet transform,a floating parameter is set to regulate the threshold of wavelet signal on different scales according to the correlation dimension of chaotic time series.The genetic algorithm is helpful tO obtain global optimum thresholds and tO reduce much time wasted by the adaptive searching computation.De-noising for Chaotic time series generated by Lorenz system is simulated to corn— pare with other methods,and the results showed that the proposed method iS effective)
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  • CalibrationEtReconnaissanceAleatoire
    Calibration d un systeme de mesure de haute pression
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  • PSK
    Matlab scrip. PSK Modulation
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  • Matlab3
    Implementing Watermarking using discrete 2-D wavelet transform.
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  • MeasureCQI
    TD-LTE中上行CQI的测量模块,分为开环模式、闭环模式以及单发三种。具体流程请参看TS36.212协议(TD-LTE uplink CQI measurement module, divided into open-loop mode, closed-loop mode and single-made three. Refer to TS36.212 for details)
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  • exam4_2_post
    等效结点力   单元刚度矩阵的坐标变换  整体刚度矩阵   边界约束条件的处理 (Equivalent nodal force of element stiffness matrix of the overall stiffness of the coordinate transformation matrix to deal with boundary conditions)
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