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于 2015-03-11 发布 文件大小:1062KB
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  Note that the energy-regenerative current is directly proportional to the motor speed and the braking torque. Hence, if the rider brakes his EV at a high speed, the surge current of the energy regeneration will damage the battery at the braking transient.



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  • knapsackAlgorithm
    遗传算法实现背包问题的matlab代码,分享给大家(Knapsack problem genetic algorithm matlab code to share for everyone)
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  • FDA-Tool
    FDA Tool is important to new bie for study How to filtering the signal with many kinds of filter s mode.
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    模糊控制的PID控制模型,一共由两部分组成,分别是模型和m函数。经过多次修正,控制效果很好。(PID control fuzzy control model, consists of two parts, respectively is the model and m function. After several revisions, the control effect is very good.)
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  • RecedingHorizonControl
    经典的过程控制书籍,主要面向有限时域的滚动优化。面向对象为过程控制工程师,其中的算法可用matlab实现。(The book "Receding Horizon Control" is a classic book in process system engineering (PSE). This book illustrate model based control algorithm which can mainly carried out by matlab.)
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