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于 2015-03-10 发布 文件大小:7884KB
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说明:  双路输出控制器”具有信号输出时间设定、 输出信号占空比调整、 当前输出通道及时 间显示、系统工作参数存储、串口通讯及 LED 指示等功能。 “双路输出控制器”通过串口完 成信号输出时间设定功能;通过 EEPROM 完成系统工作参数存储功能;通过按键完成输出通 道切换、 输出信号占空比调整及停止信号输出功能; 系统硬件电路主要由 MCU 控制单元、独 立按键、 LCD 显示单元、 串口通讯单元、 EEPROM 数据存储单元和 LED 指示单元组成(Dual output controller has the signal output time setting, adjust the duty cycle of the output signal, the current output channel in time Between display, system operating parameters are stored, serial communications and LED indicator. Dual Output Controller through serial END A signal output time setting function complete system operating parameters via EEPROM memory function complete output pass through the key Channel switching, adjust the duty cycle of the output signal and the stop signal output function the system hardware circuit is mainly controlled by the MCU unit, alone Li buttons, LCD display unit, serial communication unit, EEPROM data storage unit and LED indication units)


..............\.....\Project_1_Target 1.dep,7047,2011-07-28
..............\.....\........................\.....\CMSIS debug support.htm,9310,2011-07-26



0 个回复

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