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  计算力学基础,中国科技大学精品教材,王秀喜,吴恒安编著(The basis of Computational Mechanics, University of Science and Technology of China, boutique textbook series)





0 个回复

  • fortranchap07
    Fortran 95程序设计【彭国伦】第7章原代码,非常有学习价值!(Fortran 95 programming [Lun Peng-- Chapter 7 of the original code, the very value of learning!)
    2006-12-17 19:42:30下载
  • 0097
    高斯正算坐标程序计算高斯投影的正算问题克拉索夫斯基椭球(Gaussian count is calculated coordinates of the Gaussian projection is counting police used batons for dispersing ellipsoid)
    2005-03-19 09:55:21下载
  • Lingo11
    lingo软件分享,lingo是专门用于解决规划问题的数值计算工具,操作简便(Lingo Software Sharing, Lingo is a numerical calculation tool specially used to solve planning problems. It is easy to operate.)
    2020-06-22 11:40:01下载
  • MOORE_inverse_C
    利用C语言实现MOORE-PENROSE广义逆矩阵的计算,经试验OK。(The realization of MOORE-PENROSE generalized inverse matrix is calculated by using the C language, through the test of OK.)
    2021-04-28 00:08:44下载
  • HartleyTransform
    The Fast Hartley Transform (FHT) implementation.
    2011-05-24 21:39:11下载
  • C_classical_src
    平常练习的一些程序,比较基础,包括求斐波那契数、完数等等(Some of the usual practice procedures, more infrastructure, including seeking Fibonacci numbers, number, etc. End)
    2013-11-18 21:18:19下载
  • rwdrcoef
    程序算任意点FFT和小波变换,以及可选择多种小波及小波变换后的单频带重够,另算信号的Lipschitz指数,高级数字信号处理!(counting procedures arbitrary point FFT and Wavelet Transform, and the choice of multiple wavelet and the wavelet transform of a single-band heavy enough, and another count signal Lipschitz index advanced digital signal processing!)
    2006-08-01 09:35:03下载
  • 公约
    用C语言实现计算两个数字的最大公约数,代码简单简洁,适合初学者学习。(C language is used to calculate the maximum common divisor of two digits. The code is simple and concise. It is suitable for beginners to learn.)
    2020-06-21 16:20:01下载
  • 11087 统逆序对
    Description 设a[0…n-1]是一个包含n个数的数组,若在i<j的情况下,有a[i]>a[j],则称(i, j)为a数组的一个逆序对(inversion)。 比如 <2,3,8,6,1> 有5个逆序对。请采用类似“合并排序算法”的分治思路以O(nlogn)的效率来实现逆序对的统计。 一个n个元素序列的逆序对个数由三部分构成: (1)它的左半部分逆序对的个数,(2)加上右半部分逆序对的个数,(3)再加上左半部分元素大于右半部分元素的数量。 其中前两部分(1)和(2)由递归来实现。要保证算法最后效率O(nlogn),第三部分(3)应该如何实现? 此题请勿采用O(n^2)的简单枚举算法来实现。 并思考如下问题: (1)怎样的数组含有最多的逆序对?最多的又是多少个呢? (2)插入排序的运行时间和数组中逆序对的个数有关系吗?什么关系? 输入格式 第一行:n,表示接下来要输入n个元素,n不超过10000。 第二行:n个元素序列。 输出格式 逆序对的个数。 输入样例 5 2 3 8 6 1 输出样例 5(Set a[0... N-1] is a n array containing n numbers. If there is a [i] > a [j] i n the case of I < j, then (i, j) is a n inversion pair of a array. For example, <2,3,8,6,1> has five reverse pairs. Please use the idea of "merge sorting algorithm" to achieve the statistics of inverse pairs with O (nlogn) efficiency. The number of inverse pairs of a sequence of n elements consists of three parts: (1) The number of reverse pairs in the left half, (2) the number of reverse pairs in the right half, (3) the number of elements in the left half is greater than that in the right half. The first two parts (1) and (2) are implemented by recursion. To ensure the final efficiency of the algorithm O (nlogn), how should the third part (3) be implemented? Do not use O (n ^ 2) simple enumeration algorithm to solve this problem.)
    2019-01-07 23:52:06下载
  • 自然的最大公约
    说明:  用欧几里得算法求两个自然数的最大公约数通过c语言实现(Using Euclidean Algorithms to Find the Maximum Common Number of Two Natural NumbersRealization by C Language)
    2019-01-26 14:43:28下载
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