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于 2013-11-27 发布 文件大小:19KB
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  根据国际原油价格变化规律,采用RBF神经网络拟合曲线,并预测原油价格,效果不错(use RBF neural network to predict the crude oil price)



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  • Chapter8
    现代通信系统第8章 matlab程序源码(Modern communications systems in Chapter 8 matlab program source)
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  • mfsk
    mfsk modulation in matlab
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  • adaptive--beam-forming
    也是自适应的波束形成,有中文注解,好好看,应该能看懂的(adaptive beam forming)
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  • PGA
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    spvwm 3 level inverter
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  • My_C_OBJ_QA
    I have contributed 40 objective type c questions written as source code. Which will be helpful in learning C.
    2014-02-20 02:40:23下载
  • swsa566
    The data files included are .MAT or *.dat (ASCII)files. The m-files and the data may be distributed, provided that the source is acknowledged in any publication and the data are not sold. Since this software is being distributed free of charge, the authors are not offering any technical support. Students who have any questions or difficulties using this software, or require the additional functions from the Signal Processing Toolbox should contact their professor. (The data files included are. MAT or*. dat (ASCII) files. The m-files and thedata may be distributed, provided that the source is acknowledged in anypublication and the data are not sold. Since this software is being distributedfree of charge, the authors are not offering any technical support. Students whohave any questions or difficulties using this software, or require theadditional functions from the Signal Processing Toolbox should contact theirprofessor.)
    2007-09-16 09:36:44下载
  • MATLABArnold
    用Arnold矩阵变换进行图像置乱的加密算法及其源代码(By Arnold transform the matrix of image scrambling encryption algorithm and its source code)
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    LAB2RGB convert the RGB image into LAB and vise vers
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