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于 2015-03-06 发布 文件大小:1KB
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  matlab实现在端元已知时fuzzy c-means 算法混合像元分解,并根据测试点进行精度评定(matla code of FCM for mixed pixels unmixing)



0 个回复

  • vc++matlab
    vc++与matlab混合编程的快速实现 (vc++ with matlab the rapid realization of mixed programming)
    2008-01-05 08:43:38下载
  • MATLAB_code
    说明:  MATLAB高级编程,MATLAB工程数学,MATLAB实用教程,MATLAB图形图像等源码集锦(MATLAB high-level programming, engineering MATLAB mathematics, MATLAB practical guides, such as MATLAB graphics source Collection)
    2006-03-10 00:14:10下载
  • HDEDP3
    说明:  用于对高密度源数据进行预处理,将其转换为INV反演数据格式和便于suffur成图的数据格式。(used for high-density source data pretreatment and convert it to INV inversion data formats and facilitate suffur mapping data formats. )
    2011-04-05 22:24:18下载
  • aa
    说明:  连接各路口节点,统计道路条数,求出各道路的长度,并求出所有顶点对间的最短距离(Connect each node of the intersection, statistics, road number, find the length of the road, and calculated the shortest distance between all vertices)
    2012-06-24 08:40:47下载
  • cmfb2
    hspice model of common mode feedback circuit
    2013-08-09 16:19:24下载
  • OFDM_crosscorrelation
    OFDM同步技术仿真,带有码间干扰和半码调制,多信道衰落。(OFDM synchronization technology simulation, inter-symbol interference and a half with code modulation, multichannel fading.)
    2013-11-30 00:38:21下载
  • UNANR_Matlab
    There is a trend to develop blind or semi-blind source extraction algorithms based on second-order statistics, due to its low computation load and fast processing speed. An important and primary work is done by Barros and Cichocki, who propose an extraction algorithm based on a time delay. The algorithm is simple and fast, but its performance is not satisfying. The paper extends their work and proposes a robust algorithm based on eigenvalue decomposition of several delayed covariance matrices. It is faster and has better performance, which is conˉrmed by theoretical analysis and computer simulations.
    2015-03-01 18:01:49下载
  • tongxinyewuliang
    通信网中,经过对分析的编程仿真,对爱尔兰B公式以及爱尔兰C公式有了更深的认识,也对通信业务分析的方法也加深了理解,并且利用Matlab GUI 编程验证了算法的正确性。(Communication network, through simulation analysis on programming, Ireland Ireland B formula and the formula C a deeper understanding of methods for the analysis of communication services also deepened the understanding and use of Matlab GUI programming to verify the correctness of the algorithm.)
    2013-12-29 23:56:45下载
  • MATLAB567
    这是我们学的Matlab的课件,非常有用,希望能给大家帮助。。。(This is what we learn of the Matlab software, very useful, I hope we can help. . .)
    2009-07-21 09:52:16下载
  • DFT
    Transformada discreta de Fourier
    2013-11-18 23:31:07下载
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