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于 2013-11-26 发布 文件大小:2736KB
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  RAw格式图片的显示,边缘检测,包括SOBEL算子,具有不同模板的拉普拉斯算子边缘检测,以及一些简单的滤波方式(sadfsadf asdfasdf asdf)



0 个回复

  • imageprocess
    这是本智能图像处理的书教你如何读取BMP图像二值化中值滤波还有灰度变换图像匹配,检索(This is the intelligent image processing book teaches you how to read the BMP image binarization there are gray-scale transformation in the value of the filter image matching, retrieval)
    2011-05-23 21:23:19下载
  • txcl
    说明:  实现了图像的打开功能,并能实现图像打开时的扫描,渐进,马赛克等功能(To realize the image of the open function, and can achieve image scans open, progressive, mosaic and other functions)
    2010-04-18 22:43:57下载
  • testDownSample
    Downsample image console program using opencv.
    2014-03-25 19:51:24下载
  • vcpicph
    VC++图像平滑处理+程序源码,实现图象的平滑(去噪声),锐化功能,测试时请在C盘下放一个测试用的Bmp图片,路径:C: est.bmp,没有的话没法测试。如上图所示是水平平滑处理,可以对比下,不过感觉颜色失真了,有兴趣的看一下。命令行编译过程如下:   vcvars32   rc bmp.rc   cl smooth.c bmp.res user32.lib gdi32.lib(VC++ image smoothing+ program source code, to achieve a smooth image (to noise), sharpening function in the C drive when testing a test of decentralization Bmp picture, path: C: test.bmp, no words can not test . Is shown above the level of smoothing, you can compare the next, but the feeling of color distortion, interested look. Command-line compiler as follows: vcvars32 rc bmp.rc cl smooth.c bmp.res user32.lib gdi32.lib)
    2014-02-18 15:30:52下载
  • CT-tracking
    一种简单高效地基于压缩感知的跟踪算法。首先利用符合压缩感知RIP条件的随机感知矩对多尺度图像特征进行降维,然后在降维后的特征上采用简单的朴素贝叶斯分类器进行分类。该跟踪算法非常简单,但是实验结果很鲁棒,速度大概能到达40帧/秒(A simple and efficient tracking algorithm based on compressed sensing. Firstly, with the random sensing matrix compressed sensing RIP conditions for multi-scale image feature dimension reduction, and then use the naive Bias classifier simple classification in the feature reduction after the. The tracking algorithm is very simple, but the results are robust, speed can reach 40 frames per second)
    2014-01-10 11:45:54下载
  • ImageMatch
    摄影测量中影像匹配小程序,附带两幅图片,比较实用(Photogrammetry image matching small program, with two pictures, more practical)
    2016-04-29 20:03:43下载
  • PicViewerDemo
    说明:  很有用的图像显示的源程序,是图像处理方面比较好用的程序!(very useful images of the source, the image processing is more user-friendly procedures.)
    2005-11-29 21:19:38下载
  • image-matching-using-surf-and-ransac
    对两幅图像进行配准,分别提取两幅图像的surf特征点以及描述子,得到粗匹配结果,然后根据粗匹配结果,采用ransac方法计算基础矩阵,并去除误匹配点,得到较准确匹配结果(Two image registration, surf was extracted from the feature points in two images to get the coarse matching and descriptor, then according to the results, the coarse matching results, using RANSAC method to calculate the fundamental matrix, and eliminate the error matching, gain a more accurate matching results)
    2020-11-13 13:59:43下载
  • differential-operation
    实现图像的滤波、锐化、边缘检测、微分处理及图像平滑(Image filtering, sharpening, edge detection, differential processing and image smoothing)
    2013-02-27 21:00:36下载
  • polygon
    一个计算多边形面积和周长的程序, 同时可以把多边形显示出来, 直观展现多边形形状.(A polygon area and perimeter calculation procedures, the polygons can be displayed simultaneously, intuitive show polygonal shape.)
    2020-06-28 18:20:01下载
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