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于 2012-11-03 发布 文件大小:77KB
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  Text-line extraction in unconstrained handwritten documents remains a challenging problem due to nonuniform character scale, spatially varying text orientation, and the interference between text lines.



0 个回复

  • Si4730
    Si4730收音机基于STM32F103,通过按键和LCD7565屏自动搜台和手动搜台(The Si4730 radio is based on STM32F103. It searches the platform automatically and manually by keys and LCD7565 screen.)
    2019-06-29 14:45:02下载
  • 基于STM32F103C8T6的Bootloder
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  • Rc523_Felica
    通过NXP NFC Reader IC RC523 读取Felica (NFC TYPE 3)card,配合NXPRdLib使用(NXP官网下载) (Read Felica(NFC TYPE 3)card with RC523)
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  • stm32基本例程 PWM输出实验
    输出PWM波,可移植性强。适用于stm32F103系列的单片机。例子也比较经典。(Output PWM wave, strong portability)
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  • ht1621
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  • Timer(T3)
    CC2530定时器3比较输出模式,解压后直接使用(CC2530 Timer 3 compare output mode directly after decompression)
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  • 28335_ECAN_1PROGRAM
    参考ti提供得例子程序,先将他们得例子在自己得板子上跑起来,其实就是用自测试得方式来验证一下程序,也可以加些中断,看看程序怎么跑得。这步没问题得话,可以改写程序,当然还在自测试模式下先试,如果可以改写后,在自测试模式下可以。那么就差不多了,将自测试模式改成正常模式,将程序移植到自己得程序中,拿一个经过验证可以正常通讯得can模块通讯,记得两个can得速率要一致。当然这个can模块还要能让你看到或者说能验证你得can是否通讯正常。(Reference ti provide examples of procedures was, first they have to run up on the example of the board that she has, in fact, self-test was used to verify the program mode, you can also add some interruption to see how to run the program. This step was not a problem, you can rewrite the program, of course, still in test mode since the first try, if you can rewrite, can in self-test mode. Well almost, the self-test mode to normal mode, the program was ported to own program, get a proven module can communicate normally too can communicate, remember that two can get a rate to be consistent. Of course, this can also allow you to see the module or can verify whether you have can communicate properly.)
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  • PID温控1602显示
    说明:  STC 51单片机的PID温度控制程序, 包含DS18B20测量温度 LCD1602显示(STC 51 MCU PID temperature control program, including DS18B20 temperature measurement and LCD1602 display)
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  • ISO 11898-1协议(1)
    ISO是世界性的标准化组织,主要任务是制定国际标准,协调世界范围内的标准化工作,与其他国际性组织合作研究有关标准化问题。IS0 11898由以下部分组成:(ISO is a worldwide standardization organization. Its main task is to formulate international standards, coordinate standardization work worldwide, and cooperate with other international organizations to study standardization issues)
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  • 软启PWM
    用于全桥逆变电路的移相软启控制程序,周期和启动时间均可调节。(Phase-shifting soft-start control program for full-bridge inverters has adjustable cycle and start-up time.)
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