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于 2013-12-23 发布 文件大小:1467KB
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  matlab程序实现各种智能算法,包括遗传算法、神经网络等(matlab program to achieve a variety of intelligent algorithms, including genetic algorithms, neural networks, etc.)



0 个回复

  • open_svm
    matlab code for generation of data to svpwm
    2009-06-01 10:08:42下载
  • traingdx
    将采用训练函数 traingdx 和“提前停止”相结合的方法来训练 BP 网络,以提高 BP 网络的推广能力(Will use the training function traingdx and " stop ahead" a combination of methods to train BP network to improve the generalization ability of BP network)
    2011-01-16 20:21:22下载
  • harmonicdistorsion
    harmonic distorsions in matlab
    2011-06-13 16:02:56下载
  • state_system
    state system for DFIG model
    2012-10-07 17:10:15下载
  • GrTheory
    该压缩文件是一些经典图论算法的集合,主要适用matlab开发,种类齐全,方便大家的学习。(The compressed files are a collection of classical graph algorithms, mainly for matlab development, a broad range, we facilitate learning.)
    2010-09-25 10:58:49下载
  • MonteCarlo
    使用直接模拟蒙特卡罗法的Matlab编程,里面三个算例,如湖面积、资产路径等的概率求解法~(Vincent Leclercq, The MathWorks, 2007 vincent.leclercq@mathworks.fr Ths is the set of files (with the powerpoint presentation, in french or in english) used for the Webinar "Simulation de Monte Carlo en MATLAB". - The first demo (LakeArea, run MainLakeArea) is computing the size of a polyogon using a MC approach - The second demo (PortSim, run WebinarScript) can do 2 things: First, we genrate some equity paths, to verify the lognormality If changing the mode to OptionPricing (uncomment one of the first line), then those spaths will be used for pricing an asian option - the 3rd Demo,in myMC (run MonteCarlo.m) , show how to simulate some corelated asset paths - The 4th demo, (run VanillaPricingUsingDifferentMethods.m in the VarReduction folder) , wil compare th results obtrtain byt differents reduction of Variance technics or "quasi" 礛ont Carlo simultion using Hamlton and sobol Sequences)
    2010-01-12 21:32:32下载
  • Removal-trend-item
    对加速度测试信号做预处理,去除趋势项后可以实现积分(Credits can be achieved after the the acceleration test signal preprocessing, removing the trend term)
    2012-11-10 19:03:31下载
  • Vold-kalman
    Vold-Kalman时频工具箱 对非平稳信号进行阶次分析(Vold-Kalman second generation, multi-order, simultaneous order tracking code (vkm.m).)
    2020-12-18 16:39:10下载
  • MATLAB_Codes
    说明:  人工智能算法在数学建模中的应用,包括遗传算法工具箱,模拟退火算法,蚁群算法等(Application of Artificial Intelligence Algorithms in Mathematical Modeling, including Genetic Algorithms Toolbox, Simulated Annealing Algorithms, Ant Colony Algorithms, etc.)
    2019-05-15 23:14:57下载
  • Herramientas-de-MATLAB
    En este apunte veremos algunas funciones de MATLAB relacionadas con lugar de las ra´ ı ces, gr´ afico de Bode y de Nyquist.
    2013-01-05 11:10:22下载
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