对载波相位平滑伪距的原理和数据预处理进行了探讨,给出提高其定位精度的处理方法和流程。通过 两个算例得到如下结论:对C1和P2码进行相位平滑可有效提高伪距定位精度,较长时间观测定位精度可达1 m 左右,利用精密星历改进后,平滑伪距的定位精度可达0. 5 m左右 对P1和P2码进行相位平滑对定位精度提高不 大,较长时间观测平滑前后的定位精度均可达到0. 6 m,利用精密星历改进后,精度可达0. 3 m 在动态测量后处理 中,绝大部分历元利用精密星历结合相位平滑的定位精度可达2 m。 (The principle and data preprocessing ofcarrier smoothed pseudorange are discussed and themethod which can improve the positioning accuracy and its flow are given.W ith thismethod two computation examples are made.The results show tha:t 1)the accuracy can be improved efficiently by using smoothed C1and P2pseudorange in static data processing, the accuracy can reach 1m if the time is long and can attain 0. 5m if the precise ephem- eris is taken 2)the accuracy can be boosthardly by using smoothed P1and P2pseudorange, but the accuracy can be improved from 0. 6m to 0. 3m if the time is long enough and the precise ephemeris isused 3)mostepochs can reach to the accuracy of2 m precision in kinematic positions if the smoothed code and precise ephemeris are uti- lized. )