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于 2013-12-22 发布 文件大小:181KB
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  基于最小二乘辨识的模型参考自适应,含有详细word说明文件(Based on the model reference adaptive least squares identification, documentation contains detailed word)



0 个回复

  • Madsen
    The function applies the Madsen method for Doppler Centroid estimation. The input are: 1) the raw data, the parameter of the distance between samples in azimuth to be correlated and the PRF (Pulse repetition frequency)
    2009-05-10 20:47:53下载
  • PWM-geneartion
    PWM generation for switches
    2013-09-15 09:31:52下载
  • matlab_new_print
    Basic matlab source codes
    2011-01-30 17:00:26下载
  • cancelling-noise
    利用自适应滤波来滤除脑电信号采集过程中的50Hz工频干扰(Filter the power line interference based on adaptive filter for EEG)
    2020-07-01 07:20:02下载
  • inverter-parallel-program
    三相逆变器并联控制程序 两台三相逆变器主从控制(Parallel three-phase inverter control program of two three-phase inverter master-slave control)
    2014-07-07 09:30:56下载
  • MathematicalModelingtoolbox
    matlab数学建模工具箱,包括:% 1. MATLAB常用数学建模工具的中文帮助 % 2. 贡献MATLAB数学建模工具(打*号) % 3. 中国大学生数学建模竞赛历年试题MATLAB程序(mathematical modeling matlab toolbox, including: 1. MATLAB mathematical modeling tools commonly used in Chinese to help 2. contributions to MATLAB mathematical modeling tool (hit* No.) 3. China Undergraduate Mathematical Contest in Modeling questions MATLAB program calendar)
    2007-10-08 21:11:39下载
  • pout
    无线通信抗衰落,合并器输出信噪比的概率密度函数比较。选择性合并,最大比率合并,等增益合并的概率比较(Slow Fading Plot Outage Probabiloty vs SNR for maximum ratio combining, coherent combining and antenna selection.)
    2015-05-24 20:05:33下载
  • RL_half_wave
    MATLAB/SIMULINK Simulation of Halfwave converter circuit with RL Load along with B.M file attached
    2010-09-11 21:21:17下载
  • BSSGUIlunwen
    盲源分离(BSS: Blind Source Separation),又称为盲信号分离,是指在信号的理论模型和源信号无法精确获知的情况下,如何从混迭信号(观测信号)中分离出各源信号的过程。盲源分离和盲辨识是盲信号处理的两大类型。盲源分离的目的是求得源信号的最佳估计,盲辨识的目的是求得传输通道混合矩阵。(Blind signal separation (BSS), also known as blind source separation, is the separation of a set of source signals from a set of mixed signals, without the aid of information (or with very little information) about the source signals or the mixing process. This problem is in general highly underdetermined, but useful solutions can be derived under a surprising variety of conditions. Much of the early literature in this field focuses on the separation of temporal signals such as audio. However, blind signal separation is now routinely performed on multidimensional data, such as images and tensors, which may involve no time dimension whatsoever.)
    2017-09-20 11:01:09下载
  • openhime
    Oppenhime and liem papre in transaction journal
    2010-12-22 14:58:29下载
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