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  System Identification Toolbox



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  • 1
    说明:  高斯消去法和高斯列主元消去法以及解线性下三角形方程组(Gaussian elimination and principal component Gaussian elimination and the solution of linear triangular equations)
    2012-12-28 19:24:40下载
  • physprop
    errorbar errorbar errorbarerrorbar.m(errorbar errorbar )
    2012-05-22 23:10:50下载
  • Matlab-C-CPP-Graphics-Library-Users-Guide
    Matlab C-C++ Graphics Library User s Guide
    2013-02-06 08:34:03下载
  • force-optimization-matlab
    土木工程领域。matlab斜拉桥有限元调索程序。二维,线性结构。可以输入结构模型参数。包含三种方法:可行域法,弯矩能量最小法,零弯矩法。(Civil engineering fields. transfer cable stayed bridge matlab finite element program. Two-dimensional, linear structure. Structural model parameters can be entered. Contains three methods: feasible domain method, the minimum bending energy, zero moment method.)
    2013-12-22 09:54:00下载
  • KPP-Photopopper-Manual---May-08-2010
    Project about a solar robot, simple and fun.
    2014-01-19 23:26:02下载
  • 实验代码
    卫星姿态控制仿真,包括卫星轨道建模、卫星运动学、动力学建模,跟踪律计算(Satellite attitude control simulation, including satellite orbit modeling, satellite kinematics, dynamic modeling, tracking law calculation)
    2020-10-01 17:07:44下载
  • Fig7x281
    说明:  MATLAB 异步电机变转差率控制 simulink 模型 可供参考(Simlink Model of Variable Slip Rate Control for Asynchronous Motor Based on MATLAB)
    2019-05-28 15:07:11下载
  • OFDMforWirelineLogging
    说明:  常规的单载波调制技术在带宽有限的测井电缆上的低传输速率制约着成像测井技术的发展。在分析测井 电缆传输特性和 OFDM 技术原理的基础上 ,设计了一种基于 OFDM 技术的测井电缆高速数据传输系统 ,并介绍了 基于 OFDM 技术的测井电缆高速数据传输系统的参数设计和工作原理 ,给出了不同长度测井电缆上的测试结果。 电缆实测结果表明 ,在 7 000 m长的测井电缆上 ,基于OFDM 技术的测井电缆高速数据传输系统可获得900 kbit / s 以上的数据传输速率和低于 5E28 的误码率。当变压器的接入模式为 Mode2II时 ,系统最高的数据传输速率可达到 1. 1 Mbit/ s。(To solve t he low data t ransmission rate problem in t he conventional single car rier mod2 ulation met hod for logging cable and enhance t he data t ransmission rate , a new data t ransmission system with high data t ransmission rate for logging cable is propo sed , which is based on t he Or2 t hogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) technology. The working principle of OFDM modem and t he procedure of data t ransmission system are al so presented and lot s of test s are car2 ried out on logging cables with different lengt hs. It is verified that t he data t ransmission rate can reach 900 kbit/s on 7 000 meter s logging cable wit h bit er ror rate (BER) lower t han 5E28 , and t he maximum data t ransmission rate is 1. 1 Mbit/s under Mode2II of t he t ransformer .)
    2009-08-15 22:22:38下载
  • PIC
    程序均用matlab编写 ch ex 的文件是信号与系统频谱密度函数或者时移特性的展示 Advanced_Mathematica_picture_zoom是利用二次线性内插值法对彩色图片进行任意倍数的放大 每个程序都含有详细的注释(Programs are written in matlab chex file is spectrum density of signal and system function or moving features of the display Advanced_Mathematica_picture_zoom using quadratic linear interpolation method in arbitrary multiple amplification was carried out on the color images Every program contains detailed annotations)
    2014-09-10 20:40:49下载
  • AIHT
    压缩感知文章初学者看看是英文的讲了一些重构算法,挺好的比较有用OMPBP等等( compressive sensing )
    2014-05-08 20:07:10下载
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