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于 2015-02-23 发布 文件大小:168KB
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  Wireless Information and Energy Transfer for Decode-and-Forward Relaying MIMO-OFDM Networks



0 个回复

  • face
    this is face for matlab implementation yale data sets
    2015-03-16 16:40:53下载
  • gamma_fit
    这是一个基于matlab且运用极大似然估计法对伽马分布进行拟合(This is a matlab-based and the use of maximum likelihood estimation method for gamma distribution fitting)
    2021-04-11 14:58:58下载
  • Dreamweaver_CS5
    Dreamweaver_CS5官方教程,帮助您快速掌握相关知识,好用(Dreamweaver_CS5 official tutorial to help you quickly master the relevant knowledge, easy to use)
    2013-12-26 10:02:18下载
    Matlab子程序,实现直角坐标系-大地坐标系-站心坐标系的转换。(Matlab subroutine achieve Cartesian coordinates- geodetic coordinate system- topocentric coordinate system conversion.)
    2015-03-23 11:12:11下载
  • Maslave_analy
    主从多机通信系统可靠性建模,对一个主从多机系统进行建模分析,其中基本单位为元件,有着不同的概率分布寿命,不同元件串联组合成不同部件,部件组合成各分系统,从而根据元件情况可推定系统状态,我们会计算十年中系统地各项指标,推断时间步长为1小时(Master-slave multi-machine communication system reliability modeling, a master-slave multi-machine system modeling and analysis, in which the basic unit for the components, the probability distribution of different life, a different tandem combination of components into different parts, components into subsystems , so the situation could be construed in accordance with the system components, and we will calculate ten indicators in a systematic manner, inference time step 1 hour)
    2009-05-29 16:46:14下载
  • small
    说明:  声波方程正演模拟小模型波场绘制。只有一层,震源在中间。C程序,Matlab绘图。(Acoustic wave equation forward modeling small-scale model wave field rendering. Only one layer, source in the middle. C program, Matlab graphics.)
    2009-08-25 09:28:04下载
  • 拟合
    说明:  多项式曲线拟合的MATLAB实现最小二乘法源码(MATLAB source code for polynomial curve fitting)
    2020-04-27 15:35:21下载
  • tickets
    排队买票,建立N个队列,可以通过熟人插队买票,(Queue ticket, the establishment of N queues, you can jump the queue by acquaintances ticket,)
    2009-12-13 12:58:50下载
  • roughset
    ,在MATLAB环境下对 学生自主学习成绩决策表进行了求解,分析了该决策表的上近似集、下近似集、不可分辨关系、约简、核集、属性依赖度的概念,从而 在原始数据的基础上得出了条件属性与决策属性间的关系。 (The knowledge theory based on rough set can help to simplify the knowledge proceeded from originaldata. In the paper it intro- duces the rough set theory and its principle algorithms. MATLAB Rough SetToolbox is programmed to analyze the decision table of self-learn- ing system from students score database.The concepts such as the upper approximation, lower approximation, indiscernibility relation, reduc- tion, core set, and attribute-importance are analyzed based on the score database table.Thus, the relations between condition attributes and de- cision attributes of the score database are obtained on the basis of original data. )
    2009-05-22 19:08:35下载
  • QualNet-4.0-InstallationGuide
    Qualnet 4.0 installation guide
    2011-01-17 23:16:59下载
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