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于 2013-12-22 发布 文件大小:2KB
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  d-fnn动态模糊神经网络程序,可用于自学,探讨。(d-fnn program)



0 个回复

  • SA-TSP
    基于经典的优化算法--模拟退火算法的旅行商问题寻优实现,该算法比较经典,可用于后续一些性能对比分析(The traveling salesman problem-- the classical optimization algorithms and simulated annealing algorithm is implemented based on the algorithm, compare the classic, can be used for the analysis of subsequent performance comparison)
    2013-10-04 11:03:38下载
  • erorrestamite
    时间序列预测的加权一阶局域法的预测误差估计。 (Time series prediction weighted one-rank local-region method of prediction error estimates.)
    2008-06-02 16:39:40下载
  • righthandedXY
    三个空间错开漩涡光束右旋螺旋形焦点在xy平面的强度分布计算程序(XY distriburion of right handed spiral focal spot)
    2013-10-26 17:37:34下载
  • Intelligent_Decision_Technologies
    The paper deals with the fuzzy control of a wastewater treatment process in which the organic substances are removed. The process is treated as a multivariable process having as control inputs the dilution rate, the aeration rate and the recycling rate and as output variables the dissolved oxygen and the substrate concentrations in the effluent. The process sensitivities with respect to the control inputs in the case of indirect control through the control of dissolved oxygen concentration and of the direct control of substrate were studied. In all cases fuzzy controllers were used. It was also shown that fuzzy control provides good results in the presence of disturbances and parametric uncertainties of the model.
    2011-11-07 19:05:48下载
  • PID_Increase
    增量式PID控制算法Matlab仿真程序 设一被控对象G(s)=50/(0.125s^2+7s),用增量式PID控制算法编写仿真程序(输入分别为单位阶跃、正弦信号,采样时间为1ms,控制器输出限幅:[-5,5],仿真曲线包括系统输出及误差曲线,并加上注释、图例)。(Incremental PID control algorithm Matlab simulation program to set up a controlled object G (s) = 50/(0.125s ^ 2+7s), with incremental PID control algorithm simulation program written (unit step input, respectively, sinusoidal signal sampling time is 1ms, the controller output limiter: [-5,5], including simulation system output and error curve curves, plus notes, legend).)
    2014-01-09 20:54:10下载
  • arcku
    arc 电弧模型库,MATLAB2013版本可以运行(The arc arc model library, MATLAB2013 version can be run)
    2015-05-01 14:44:29下载
  • traffic-code
    Real-time Recognition System of Traffic Light in Urban Environment Abstract—detection of arrow traffic light is a focal point research in autonomous vehicle, and in urban environment it is the basic technique. However, most researches mainly concern the circular traffic lights. A novel algorithm is proposed in this paper to resolve the problems of detection and recognition of arrow traffic lights.
    2013-11-20 18:59:20下载
  • SemXFEM_2d
    基于matlab的XFEM简单实现,内有实例,可算裂缝开展(subroutine for XFEM)
    2021-04-14 10:08:56下载
  • IPP
    Integer prograamming problem in matlab
    2009-03-29 17:31:37下载
  • Improved-Fuzzy-Clustering
    模糊聚类的改进--先用减法聚类得到初始点,而后用模糊聚类得到聚类中心,能够提高聚类的速度和精度(Improved Fuzzy Clustering- first get the initial point subtraction clustering, and then get the cluster center with fuzzy clustering, clustering can improve the speed and accuracy)
    2014-10-22 15:07:32下载
  • 696519资源总数
  • 104213会员总数
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