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于 2013-05-01 发布 文件大小:67KB
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  matlab 中的排列组合,阶乘等问题的详细描述与列子(the detailed description Liezi of matlab permutations and combinations, factorial)



0 个回复

  • filter_2
    matlab Code for LCL filter design Algorithem
    2013-04-27 12:43:24下载
  • 119128635OMP
    说明:  压缩感知(Compressed sensing),也被称为压缩采样(Compressive sampling),稀疏采样(Sparse sampling),压缩传感 [1] 。它作为一个新的采样理论,它通过开发信号的稀疏特性,在远小于Nyquist 采样率的条件下,用随机采样获取信号的离散样本,然后通过非线性重建算法完美的重建信号 [1] 。压缩感知理论一经提出,就引起学术界和工业界的广泛关注。(Compressed sensing (Compressed sensing), also known as compression sampling (Compressive from), Sparse sampling (Sparse from), Compressed sensing [1].As a new sampling theory, it develops the sparse characteristics of signals, obtains the discrete samples of signals with random sampling under the condition that the sampling rate is much lower than Nyquist sampling, and then perfectly reconstructs the signals through the nonlinear reconstruction algorithm [1].Once the theory of compressed sensing was put forward, it attracted extensive attention from academia and industry.)
    2020-12-09 07:29:19下载
  • ICA_intro
    ICA介绍课件。There has been a wide discussion about the application of Independence Component Analysis (ICA) in Signal Processing, Neural Computation and Finance, first introduced as a novel tool to separate blind sources in a mixed signal. The Basic idea of ICA is to reconstruct from observation sequences the hypothesized independent original sequences(ICA Introduction courseware. There has been a wide discussion about the application of Independence Component Analysis (ICA) in Signal Processing, Neural Computation and Finance, first introduced as a novel tool to separate blind sources in a mixed signal. The Basic idea of ICA is to reconstruct from observation sequences the hypothesized independent original sequences)
    2007-10-10 21:37:52下载
  • butterworthlpdf
    巴特沃斯數字低通濾波器。採樣率8000HZ,fp=2100hz,fs=2500hz,Rp=3db,Rs=25db.(butterworth LPF)
    2009-12-03 20:12:48下载
  • KrylovSubspceMethod
    Krylov subspace作为一种迭代方法,在求解非线性方程组方面发挥巨大作用,这个ppt和大家分享(Krlov subspace method)
    2010-12-26 00:55:51下载
  • change-the-range-of-axis
    说明:  现在手头有一个matlab程序,是关于如何改变坐标轴范围的。跟大家分享下!(change the range of the axis)
    2011-03-13 13:48:04下载
  • matlab01
    matlab 课件 很全面的 适合初学者使用 适合数模(matlab very comprehensive courseware is suitable for beginners to use for digital to analog)
    2012-05-22 13:43:14下载
  • dechirp
    关于离散多项式变换解线性调频信号的文献和matlab程序(On the discrete polynomial transform the solution of linear FM signal matlab program literature and)
    2021-01-05 21:58:54下载
  • MVDR
    This Program simulates the MVDR beamformer which is useful for beginners.
    2014-01-25 18:16:38下载
  • MATLABtimedomain
    matlab时频分析源代码 很好很强大。希望对您有用(matlab source code for a good time-frequency analysis is very powerful. Hope useful to you)
    2010-05-21 11:31:53下载
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