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于 2013-12-21 发布 文件大小:5KB
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  matlab程序,气象学上画风场,可以添加标尺(matlab procedures, meteorology style games, you can add the ruler)



0 个回复

  • yyyyyyy
    简明的matlab 实用程序集合;可以快速地掌握这一工具进行实际应用(concise Matlab practical procedures set; Quickly grasp of the tools for practical application)
    2007-06-25 21:19:19下载
  • PatternRecognitionTask
    这是一个用liblinear进行分类的例子,需要有liblinear环境(Using liblinear to do classification task)
    2014-01-14 14:08:33下载
  • jiyuMATLABdetuxiangpeizhun
    图像配准常常是作为其他图像处理应用的前处理步骤使用的,往往用于图像的对准、目标识别与定位。介 绍了在MATLAB系统中,如何应用MATLAB的IPT函数对图像进行配准的方法:首先用人机交互的方法在待配 准图像与基准图像之间进行图像配准所必需的匹配控制点的选取,然后用这些匹配控制点来计算两图像的某种空 间几何变换关系,最后利用这个空间几何变换关系对待配准图像进行几何变换,获得配准结果。实验表明,该方 法实现容易,且非常有效。 (Image registration is often as other image processing applications, the use of pre-treatment steps are often used for image alignment, target identification and location. Introduced the system in MATLAB, how to use MATLAB function of the IPT image registration method: First of all, employing the method of cross-machine in question and the baseline image registration between image image registration by matching control points necessary for the selection, and then use these control points to match the two images to calculate the geometric transform the relationship between a certain space, and finally make use of the space relationship between the treatment of geometric transformations with quasi-geometric image transformation, the results obtained registration. Experiments show that the method easy and very effective.)
    2009-04-20 11:39:55下载
  • matlab
    隶属度函数 光伏电池最大功率点追踪的实现 模糊控制算法(Membership function of photovoltaic cells to achieve maximum power point tracking fuzzy control algorithm)
    2013-03-04 15:50:20下载
  • nihe1nn
    网上下载的一个程序开发的示例程序,很实用(Download an example of a program development process, it is practical)
    2011-10-11 10:50:56下载
  • 3D2Dvectorfieldplottervectline
    vectline "vector field line plotter" Depending on the dimension of coordinate axis, vectline can plot both 3D and 2D vector field line.(vectline "vector field line plotter" Depe nding on the dimension of coordinate axis, vectline can plot both 3D and 2D vector field lin e.)
    2006-12-14 21:43:00下载
  • clustering_coefficients
    关于复杂网络的聚类系数算法,用matlab计算,矩阵为稀疏矩阵。(clustering_coefficients(A) returns the clustering coefficients for all vertices in A. The clustering coefficient is the ratio of the number of edges between a vertex s neighbors to the total possible number of edges between the vertex s neighbors. )
    2013-01-13 21:29:35下载
  • stablepoint1
    不动点迭代法求解非线性方程,含结果跟m文件,亲测可用。(Fixed point iteration method for solving nonlinear equations with m file containing the results, the pro-test is available.)
    2013-10-07 11:19:51下载
  • research-on-access-random-in-lte
    提出了一种改进的LTE系统接入方式,用MATLAB进行了性能仿真。(advance a modified access mothod of LTE system,by using the MATLAB to siumlink the performance of this new method)
    2011-12-06 15:48:32下载
  • Gauss
    这是一篇关于高斯伪谱法的源代码,具有很好的指导意义(This is a Gaussian pseudo-spectral method on the source code, with a good guide)
    2013-11-28 21:09:48下载
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