findEnergy.m 计算出图像的梯度图 findSeamImg.m 计算出所有可能的竖直缝 findSeam.m找出能量最小的一条竖直缝 removalMap.m将需要删除的N条竖直缝存储起来并按照索引逐条删除 SeamCut.m将选中的缝一条条的删除 SeamPlot.m在图中画出要删除的缝 Testseam.m调用以上函数的主程序(FINDENERGY creates an gradient img from a given RGB or grayscale image. FINDSEAMIMG finds the seam map from which the optimal (vertical running) seam can be calculated. FINDSEAM returns a column vector of coordinates for the pixels to be removed (the seam). SEAMPLOT takes as input an image and the SeamVector array and produces an image with the seam line superimposed upon the input image, x, for display purposes. SEAMCUT takes as input a RGB or grayscale image and SeamVector array to find the pixels contained in the seam, and to remove them from the image. REMOVALMAP takes a given image and finds the ordered set of (vertical) seams that are removed from an image and returns them in an array, where the Nth column in the array corresponds to the Nth seam to be removed.)