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  it is is matlab code for lda



0 个回复

  • bispecdx
    信号处理技术源代码系列4,版权为原作者所有,使用者与原作者联系。(Signal processing technology source code Series 4, the copyright for the original author of all, the user contact with the original author.)
    2008-12-23 17:14:52下载
  • chap5_04_PID
    增量式PID控制,控制规律,MATLAB演示。(Incremental PID control, control law, MATLAB Demonstration)
    2010-12-14 22:17:27下载
  • PCA
    Principal component analysis (PCA)/ Matlab Code/ If You have Any Question Mail To ME: ebiabdollahian@ce.sharif.edu
    2013-03-07 22:33:28下载
  • Numerical-analysis-and-MATLAB
    数值分析及其MATLAB实现(MATLAB 6.X 7.X版)光盘含有用可视化图形介绍的MATLAB基本操作和作图等内容的Word文档电子图书及其多媒体教学软件。另外,光盘中还附有本书中的MATLAB程序包和图形供读者使用。(EBooks numerical analysis and MATLAB (MATLAB 6.X 7.X version) CD-ROM containing MATLAB basic operations and mapping of the visual graphics on a Word document and multimedia teaching software. In addition, the CD also use with MATLAB package and graphics for this book readers.)
    2012-10-18 19:06:00下载
  • LinWPSO
    线性递减权重粒子群优化算法是从随机解出发,通过迭代寻找最优解,它也是通过适应度来评价解的品质,但它比遗传算法规则更为简单,它没有遗传算法的“交叉”(Crossover) 和“变异”(Mutation) 操作,它通过追随当前搜索到的最优值来寻找全局最优。这种算法以其实现容易、精度高、收敛快等优点引起了学术界的重视,并且在解决实际问题中展示了其优越性。 (Linear decreasing weight particle swarm optimization starting from random solutions to find the optimal solution by iteration, it is also the fitness to evaluate the quality of the solution, but it is much simpler than the genetic algorithm rules, it is not a genetic algorithm " cross" (Crossover) and " variation" (Mutation) operation, which follow the current search for the optimal value to find the global optimum. The advantage of this algorithm is its ease of implementation, high accuracy, fast convergence and attracted the attention of the academic community, and demonstrated its superiority in solving practical problems.)
    2013-03-07 21:17:38下载
  • ex1
    调幅信号的功率,调制效率及信号频谱的matlab仿真代码,(AM signal, power, modulation efficiency and signal spectrum matlab simulation code,)
    2014-10-22 19:28:02下载
  • GPSmatlab
    INS/GPS组合导航,使用卡尔曼滤波,适合学习组合导航的入门(intergrater navigation)
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  • nurbs-matlab
    matlab工具做NURBS曲面造型,大家可以参考一下(matlab tools to do the NURBS surface modeling, we can refer to)
    2011-01-06 21:07:55下载
  • cengheban
    matlab 计算层合板 A B D 随铺层角和层数的变化(matlab calculation laminated plates ABD with ply angle and the number of layers)
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  • lagrange-
    说明:  拉格朗日多项式插值计算,可以用语内插卫星精密星历的卫星坐标(Lagrange polynomial interpolation can be inserted within the terms of precision satellite coordinates of the satellite ephemeris)
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