matlab pak msk gmsk的性能比较
pak msk gmsk的性能比较.功率谱以及误码率的比较,可以出图。(psk msk gmsk)
- 2020-06-27 04:40:01下载
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说明: 其中有两个matalb程序,实现2fsk通信系统仿真和基2fft运算,c程序实现最短路径和文件链表。(There are two matalb procedures to achieve 2fsk communication system simulation and calculation based 2fft, c program to implement the shortest path and file list.)
- 2010-04-09 17:39:51下载
- 积分:1
IEEE research paper for m.tech students
- 2013-03-03 12:35:57下载
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使用Saleh模型,产生AM-AM和AM-PM特性的产生过程(Saleh model used to produce AM-AM and AM-PM characteristic of the production process)
- 2013-09-07 09:24:41下载
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在GUI中实现实现灰度转化,二值化处理及求反,加噪音和中值滤波(To convert an RGB image to a gray-scale image, binary image, add noise and filtering)
- 2011-12-13 21:13:06下载
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这是第一版的AsymPDC工具包。用来处理PDC,gPDC和iPDC有关内容。运行环境为Matlab,并且要求至少Matlab中预装了3个工具箱:控制系统,信号处理和统计工具箱。(This is the first public release of AsympPDC package. It deals with the asymptotic statistics for PDC, gPDC and iPDC.
AsympPDC runs under Matlab and is a practically self-contained except for requires routines from three Matlab toolboxes: Control System, Signal Processing, and Statistical.
It is not extensively tested yet. It was partially tested under Windows, Macintosh and Linux environments with Matlab version 7.0 and higher.
Please report any incompatibility to ksameshi[at]usp.br or baccala[at]lcs.poli.usp.br.
Additionally for cosmetic purposes, the pdc_xplot routine uses several Matlab users contributed codes: subplot2.m (modified old version of supbplot to control spacing between subplots), shadedplot.m (developed by Dave Van Tol), suplabel.m (for label and title plotting in subplot figures, by Ben Barrowes), suptitle.m (contributed by Drea Thomas, for adding title above all subplots), and tilefigs.m (for tiling figures for simultaneous visualization, by Charles Plum))
- 2011-05-31 16:42:28下载
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this is a simulink model of a dc motor being controlled by a phase locked loop controller how ever it does not have any load on it if you want you could add one
- 2011-12-26 23:53:52下载
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一阶预测器的设计,可以查看权重系数图和均方误差图。(Predictor of first-order design, weight coefficient can view maps and mean square error map.)
- 2009-07-08 21:07:46下载
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说明: 谱减法 数字信号处理 语音信号加强剥离噪声的MATLAB代码,分帧-加窗-减谱-重现-测试(noise reduction spectral subtraction speech enhancement)
- 2011-03-15 17:42:13下载
- 积分:1
(ADSL classical simulation program, the development environment for Matlab)
- 2007-04-04 14:49:33下载
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