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于 2015-02-10 发布 文件大小:208KB
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  Iris segmentation code in matlab very useful one..



0 个回复

  • vlc
    代码描述了可见光通信中关于光源分布的情况,不同光源分布造成屋内各个位置信噪比不同,上传了一个光源分布中心的,八个光源形成圆形分布以及最佳光源最佳分布类型。(Code describes the visible light communication information on the distribution of different light distribution caused by different house each location SNR uploaded a light distribution center, a circular eight light distribution and the best light optimal distribution type.)
    2021-04-04 19:59:04下载
  • EKF
    matlab实现的一个扩展卡尔曼滤波程序,可以用于目标跟踪领域。(matlab implementation of a Kalman filtering process can be used for target tracking.)
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  • GAreal_tourney
    ntroduction to Stochastic Search and Optimization, 2003 This program runs a GA with real-number coding. Elitism is used and the mutation operator is simply the addition of a Gaussian random vector to the non-elite elements. The user is expected to set a variable expect_fn representing the expected number of function evaluations allowed.
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  • prony1
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  • 1
    说明:  作为初学者的典范,但是程序有很些许错误,还希望高手指点,特别是运行时,每次出的结果不一样,更希望高手指点!(this project is just so so ,it can be used to study by the first learner!certainly ,there are some misstakes, but i can not find it ,because my level is just so so ,i hope you can correcting me !thank you very much !if you correct my project ,pleased send email to hljdx.wuyou@163.com ,thanks! i found my project ,there are so many results when i run ,i do not know why?)
    2010-09-27 11:01:27下载
  • dcg.m
    Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient iterative Ax=b solver.Routine to solve a symmetric positive definite linearsystem Ax = b using the Preconditioned Conjugate
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