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于 2013-04-29 发布 文件大小:6KB
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  很详细的matlab实现FDTD功率的源代码(Very detailed matlab source code FDTD power)



0 个回复

  • detail-filter
    用matlab设计IIR和FIR滤波器,包换各种窗体函数(Matlab design IIR and FIR filters, replacement form function)
    2013-03-17 21:04:49下载
  • apfft
    说明:  全相位FFT算法是天津大学的王兆华和候正信教授提出的,具有初始相位不变和有效防止频谱泄露的特性,在他的相关书籍上做过严格的证明,并有相应的matlab程序。(All-phase FFT algorithm is proposed by Professor Wang Zhaohua and Professor Hou Zhengxin of Tianjin University. It has the characteristics of invariant initial phase and effective prevention of spectrum leakage. It has been strictly proved in his relevant books and has corresponding matlab program.)
    2019-05-10 11:17:56下载
  • matlab_program_design_features_tutorial
    matlab程序设计功能教程matlab program design features tutorial(matlab program design features tutorial matlab program design features tutorial)
    2010-08-02 11:25:01下载
  • ICACode
    这些是一些matlab代码对应书籍Imperialist Competitive Algorithm (ICA)" 的。(These files are the MATLAB code for "Imperialist Competitive Algorithm (ICA)" which in some papers is referred by "Colonial Competitive Algorithm CCA".)
    2009-12-12 20:52:04下载
  • MATLAB-shux-jianmo
    基于matlab的数学建模事例,包括大量的数学建模的案例,非常有助于数学建模的学子门学习与参考(The students door based on the Matlab mathematical modeling examples, including the case of a large number of mathematical modeling, very helpful in the mathematical modeling of learning and reference)
    2013-01-10 12:57:13下载
  • multi-GA
    这是2007年安徽理工大学 多目标遗传算法应用研究硕士论文(This is 2007, Anhui University of application of multi-objective genetic algorithm pp)
    2011-05-25 14:36:52下载
  • erfenfa
    数值分析中 二分法查找带GUI图形界面的源码(Numerical analysis of binary searching with the source code of the GUI graphical interface)
    2012-05-20 22:25:12下载
  • MMC
    Simulate queueing In queueing theory, a discipline within the mathematical theory of probability, an M/M/1 queue represents the queue length in a system having a single server, where arrivals are determined by a Poisson process and job service times have an exponential distribution. The model name is written in Kendall s notation. The model is the most elementary of queueing models[1] and an attractive object of study as closed-form expressions can be obtained for many metrics of interest in this model(In queueing theory, a discipline within the mathematical theory of probability, an M/M/1 queue represents the queue length in a system having a single server, where arrivals are determined by a Poisson process and job service times have an exponential distribution. The model name is written in Kendall s notation. The model is the most elementary of queueing models[1] and an attractive object of study as closed-form expressions can be obtained for many metrics of interest in this model)
    2013-05-05 19:39:28下载
  • location0506
    输电线路双端不同步故障测距程序,matlab的程序,利用两端数据计算故障距离(Two terminal lines are not synchronized fault location procedure, matlab procedures, the use of both ends of the data to calculate the fault distance)
    2014-05-13 23:04:16下载
  • co2nsliq
    我自己流体代换源码,从co2置换到液体。(I own substitution fluid source, the liquid from the co2 replacement.)
    2010-08-18 11:16:29下载
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