首页 » matlab » ZHUIzhu-moxing


于 2013-12-18 发布 文件大小:1839KB
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  追逐问题是现实生活中的常见问题,本文就三人绕正三角形的追逐问题建立起了两个数学模型:一个充分应用运动的周期性首先给出了三人共边的充要条件,然后直接给出在一个周期内三人共边的次数及起止时刻,另一个则利用初等数论的方法给出了三人共边的另一个充要条件 利用matlab长于计算和强大的绘图功能,本文分别给出了求解两个模型的matlab程序,通过动画仿真演示三人绕正三角形的追逐模型,并给出三者共边的时间起止点和共边的次数。 更多还原 (The problem is that in real life the pursuit of the common problems, the paper chase on three questions about the triangle established two mathematical models: a full application of the cyclical movement Firstly, the necessary and sufficient conditions of the three sides, and then directly within a given period of three sides of the starting and ending times and moments, and the other using elementary number theory approach gives another three necessary and sufficient conditions of the edge using matlab longer computing and powerful graphics capabilities, this paper two models are given for solving matlab program, triangle chase through animated simulation model demonstrates trio around and gives the time of the beginning and ending points of the three sides and the number of edges. More Restore)



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  • pro3
    it is about direct load flow in simple power system.
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