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于 2011-12-16 发布 文件大小:11KB
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  pfc boost converter single phase



0 个回复

  • fdtd2
    FDTD法模拟无源区域二维TE波的传播(Mur二阶吸收边界条件)(Regional two-dimensional FDTD method simulation of passive TE wave propagation (Mur second-order absorbing boundary conditions))
    2009-09-19 10:18:48下载
  • fuzzyPID
    模糊PID控制算法控制系统,先运行fuzz文件把模糊控制器保存在a2里,再运行fuzzc文件。(Fuzzy PID control algorithm control system, first run the fuzz files stored in the fuzzy controller, a2, the re-run fuzzc file.)
    2011-01-03 20:46:03下载
  • Untitled
    Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this Software without restriction, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice should be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. The Software is provided "as is," without warranty of any kind. Created: May 2, 2007 Last modified: Jan. 8, 2009
    2011-01-20 22:12:01下载
  • Solve_BQME
    Solves matrix equation of type AX+XB+XCX+D = 0 for X being non-square
    2013-10-25 17:48:30下载
  • happy-birthday-to-her
    matlab弹奏歌曲生日快乐~ 这里是生日快乐钢琴版~之前编了个生日快乐,是对照网上那个坑爹的最炫民族风编的,效果就像打击乐器(因为只有一个波形)真是不忍心吐槽了。 这个是钢琴完美版的,还带和弦呢!就是用两行不同的旋律同时弹,相当于钢琴用两只爪弹。(喂,你确定那是叫和弦么拍飞) 因为我不会乐器并且五音不全,所有简谱的知识都来自小学音乐课orz,所以或许跑调也…也…… 哼,你要是敢说我跑调,那你到我面前来把这首歌唱一遍来证明你不是跑调的!!一般唱歌都会跑调,编个程跑调又肿么了!跑调才萌嘛 你们喜欢哪首歌也可以把简谱写在指定位置(我在编码中有标注),我把所有的音符的函数都补全了!!现在是所有歌曲无压力!!! 当然,这个程序不是我全部原创的,是参考了网上已有的程序又改造以及补充了一下。 把下面的代码复制到M文件就可以播放生日快乐了~(matlab playing the song Happy Birthday ~)
    2014-05-06 22:52:10下载
  • sindiffer
    时移与坐标显示范围的不同,以及频域中f的步长不同对频域图的影响。(The times and coordinates of display range of different, and the step frequency domain f different effects on the frequency domain graph.)
    2010-07-21 11:26:32下载
  • PSO
    PSO优化算法用于函数优化,具体的函数包括Quadric,Rastrigin等等(PSO optimization algorithm for function optimization, specific functions including Quadric Rastrigin and so on )
    2021-03-24 15:59:15下载
  • PIV-Post-processing
    A PIV Post-processing and data analysis toolbox(The PIVMat Toolbox for Matlab contains a set of command-line functions to import, post-process and analyse 2- and 3-components vector fields from PIV (particle image velocimetry), stereo-PIV, DIC (digital image correlation) SS (synthetic schlieren) or BOS (background-oriented schlieren) applications. Main Features: - Import vector fields from PIV (Particle Image Velocimetry) or other related technics, such as DIC (Digital Image Correlation), SS and BOS (Synthetic Schlieren and Background-oriented Schlieren). - Compatibale with files from DaVis (LaVision), DPIVSoft (Meunier & Leweke), VidPIV (Oxford Laser), MatPIV and Optical Flow. - Standard vector field operations: interpolation, filtering (median, Butterworth...), averaging (temporal, spatial, azimuthal...), derivatives computation (vorticity, divergence, strain, Q-factor...) - Fully vectorized: all operations directly apply on arrays of fields (no for loops) - More than 60 functions with full on-line documentation sampl)
    2013-10-03 22:35:10下载
  • Funcoes5_20140923171335
    Funç õ es MATLAB, para processamento de imagens.
    2014-11-16 23:56:02下载
  • MIT6_011S10_chap08
    Dsp Course lec 8 DSP course
    2011-11-07 23:34:31下载
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