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  car model simulation



0 个回复

  • NormCrossCorr
    code to get optical flow using normalized cross correlation
    2010-11-26 06:12:20下载
  • nw_delaysum
    this delay and summ function in an beam techniques
    2011-08-06 20:28:22下载
  • nakagamipowerf1216
    该程序是对扩展目标所使用的模型进行了matlab仿真,希望大家参考,指点(The program goal is to expand the model used by the matlab simulation, hope everyone reference point)
    2008-03-16 22:00:42下载
  • experiment
    通信原理课程的实验,接收机模型。模拟了最佳接收机模型的建立,高斯噪声(Communication- Receiver in matlab.)
    2012-05-15 13:14:10下载
  • bipartite_network
    利用泊松分布构建的复杂网络的二分网络演化建模(Poisson distribution building complex networks of Bipartite network evolution model)
    2015-03-18 10:49:42下载
  • cell
    元胞自动机的matlab范例程序,适合搞科研的的同学哈(Cellular automata matlab example programs for students engaged in research ha)
    2011-09-23 22:20:25下载
  • game-theory
    We consider the scheduling of simple linear deteriorating jobs on parallel machines a new perspective based on game theory. In scheduling, jobs are often controlled by independent and selfish agents, in which each agent tries to a machine for processing that optimizes its own payoff while ignoring the others. We formalize this situation as a game in which the players are job owners, the strategies are machines, and a player’s utility is inversely proportional to the total completion time of the machine selected by the agent. The price of anarchy is the ratio between the worst-case equilibrium makespan and the optimal makespan. In this paper, we design a game theoretic approximation algorithm Aand prove that it converges to a pure-strategy Nash equilibrium in a linear number of rounds. We also derive the upper bound on the price of anarchy of Aand further show that the ratio obtained by Ais tight. Finally, we analyze the time complexity of the proposed algorithm
    2015-03-23 14:25:30下载
  • ber-bpsk-ofdm-rayleigh-channel
    ber bpsk ofdm rayleigh channel
    2010-05-30 03:20:00下载
  • AIM
    一个基于信息最大化生成显著图的程序对于彩色或红外图像都有很好的效果(Based information maximization generate significant chart program has a good color or infrared image effect)
    2013-04-07 19:04:01下载
  • IJERTV4IS080591
    说明:  PMSM Field Oriented Control using Svpwm for Control Moment Gyroscope
    2019-11-30 19:31:19下载
  • 696518资源总数
  • 104432会员总数
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