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于 2015-02-07 发布 文件大小:6431KB
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  Foundations of Fuzzy Control - A Practical Approach (2e) Chapter 1



0 个回复

  • 基于 JPEG/JPEG2000的医学图像压缩方法
    提出了一种基于 JPEG/JPEG2000相结合的医学图像感兴趣区域压缩方法。该方法对在人为选定 医学图像的感兴趣区域采用无损的 JPEG2000压缩 ,而对其他图像区域则采用高压缩比的 JPEG压缩,较好地解决了医学图像的高压缩比和高质量之间的矛盾。(Based on a combination of JPEG/JPEG2000 region of interest of medical image compression method. The method of artificially selected region of interest of medical images using lossless JPEG2000 compression, and on other image regions using high compression ratio of JPEG compression, a better solution to the medical image and high-quality high-compression ratio between the contradictions.)
    2007-10-07 11:03:36下载
  • syr_res_842
    robotics remote by eye
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  • main
    人工神经网络有着广泛的应用,这段代码给出了NN在人脸检测中的具体应用实例。(face detection )
    2014-11-20 12:19:40下载
  • tide_uv
    潮流准调和分析 Dd.m [DO1 dO1 DK1 dK1 DM2 dM2 DS2 dS2 DM4 dM4 DMS4 dMS4]=Dd(y,D,Y,tm,A1) 计算6个准调和分潮的振幅系数和初相角公式 aM.m [N n aa liu_u liu_v]=aM() 基础系数矩阵,目前D和d值是取用的各段数据的中间时间值,t是以中间为0左右对称取; 视差潮龄A1需要预先得知 同时本程序负责读取原始测流数据,格式为 站位名称 观测数据段数N(即大 中 小潮) 第一段起始时间YYYY MM DD HH mm ss 第一段个数n1 speed direction speed direction ... 第二段起始时间 YYYY MM DD HH mm ss 第二段个数n2 speed direction speed direction ... 第三段起始时间 YYYY MM DD HH mm ss 第三段个数n3 speed direction speed direction ... UVg.m [U V Ug Vg]=UVg() 求调和常数U V和迟角Ug Vg Tuoyuan.m 计算各准调和分潮的椭圆要素W theta K k (The quasi harmonic analysis of tidal current Dd.m [DO1 dO1 DK1 dK1 DM2 dM2 DS2 dS2 DM4 dM4 DMS4 dMS4]=Dd (y, D, Y, TM, A1) calculation of 6 quasi harmonic division of amplitude and initial phase angle formula of the coefficient of tide AM.m [N n AA liu_u liu_v]=aM () foundation coefficient matrix, the current D and D values are the middle time of each section of data taken the value of T is in the middle for symmetric about 0 Age of parallax A1 need to know in advance At the same time, this program is responsible for reading the original flow measurement data, format for Site name The observation data segment number N (that is, in the low tide) The first section of the YYYY MM DD HH mm the starting time of SS The first section number N1 Speed direction Speed direction ... The second section starting time YYYY MM DD HH mm SS The second section number N2 Speed direction Speed direction ... The third section starting time YYYY MM DD HH mm SS The third section number )
    2015-02-10 16:29:29下载
  • gaot5
    遗传算法工具箱,英国谢菲尔德大学编制,可以根据个人需要进行 修改(Genetic Algorithm Toolbox, University of Sheffield, UK establishment, can be modified according to individual needs)
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  • RFWave-RF-Wave-Toolbox
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  • rescreenshotrecordings
    here to import the pictures and how to segment the picture. how to add the noise. some screen shots will be added this file.
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  • DC14Sample
    document for PID controler using funtion of matlap as simulink
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