三维时钟。很漂亮,很好看,很励志,而且和本机时间一致,走的很准!(3D clock)
- 2012-04-25 10:50:35下载
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Cluster Head in WSNs
- 2012-10-06 14:50:28下载
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matlab下m文件,能够提取compass三轴原始数据,并自动进行拟合矫正,得到其变换矩阵。将椭圆自动校正为圆心在原点的正圆。专门用于磁力计和重力计的自动校正。(m file matlab compass can be extracted under triaxial raw data and automatically correct fitting to give its transformation matrix. The ellipse is automatically corrected to a perfect circle centered at the origin. Specifically for magnetometer and gravity meter automatically corrected.)
- 2015-09-25 13:33:24下载
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( Extended kalman filtering, target y-axis motion sensor platform along the y-axis motion)
- 2009-11-15 20:35:26下载
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MATLAB最好的中文教程,非常适合初学者(The best Chinese MATLAB Tutorial)
- 2013-11-07 19:51:36下载
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leach算法实现leach协议,十分有用(leach algorithm realize the leach protocal,it is very helpfull)
- 2013-04-22 19:07:55下载
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本书精选了科学和工程中常用的200余个算法,全部采用MATLAB语言编程实现,并结合实例对算法程序进行验证和分析。本书分为上下两篇,上篇为MATLAB基础篇,主要介绍MATLAB的基本功能和操作以及MATLAB程序设计的入门知识;下篇为算法程序篇,主要讲述以下方面常用算法的MATLAB实现,包括插值、函数逼近、矩阵特征值计算、数值微分、数值积分、方程求根、非线性方程组求解、解线性方程组的直接法、解线性方程组的迭代法、随机数生成、特殊函数计算、常微分方程的初值问题、偏微分方程的数值解法、数据统计和分析。(The book includes examples of the algorithm programs more than 200.)
- 2012-11-02 19:29:03下载
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说明: 遗传算法是计算数学中用于解决最佳化的搜索算法,是进化算法的一种。进化算法最初是借鉴了进化生物学中的一些现象而发展起来的,这些现象包括遗传、突变、自然选择以及杂交等。遗传算法通常实现方式为一种计算机模拟。对于一个最优化问题,一定数量的候选解(称为个体)的抽象表示(称为染色体)的种群向更好的解进化。传统上,解用二进制表示(即0和1的串),但也可以用其他表示方法。进化从完全随机个体的种群开始,之后一代一代发生。在每一代中,整个种群的适应度被评价,从当前种群中随机地选择多个个体(基于它们的适应度),通过自然选择和突变产生新的生命种群,该种群在算法的下一次迭代中成为当前种群。(Genetic algorithm (GA) is a search algorithm used to solve optimization in computational mathematics. It is one of evolutionary algorithms.
Evolutionary algorithms were originally developed by borrowing phenomena in evolutionary biology, such as heredity, mutation, natural selection and hybridization.
Genetic algorithms are usually implemented as a computer simulation.
For an optimization problem, an abstract representation of a certain number of candidate solutions (called individuals) (called chromosomes) evolves towards a better solution.
Traditionally, solutions are represented in binary (that is, strings of zeros and ones), but other representations are possible.
Evolution begins with a population of completely random individuals, and it happens from generation to generation.)
- 2020-06-07 21:42:11下载
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该程序为matlab环境下程序,用于分形研究,用锯齿波生成元构成的分形(有点像两只青蛙)(The program for the matlab environment procedures for fractal research, with sawtooth generator constitute the fractal (a bit like a frog 2))
- 2008-03-26 11:28:11下载
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静电探针计算等离子体参数matlab程序(tokamak plasma profile calculation from triple probe data)
- 2012-04-18 23:27:19下载
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