MATLABGUI设计学习手记(第2版),GUI 本书首先介绍了GU I设计的预备知识 然后详细讲解了 GUI对象的属性及两种创建GUI的 方法: 采用函数创建和采用GUIDE创建 之后深入讲解了 ActiveX控件、 定时器、 串口及 mcc编译的相关知识 最后, 书中给出两个综合实例, 供读者研究学习。书中穿插了大量的图表和例题, 方便读者边查边练。(MatlabGUI design Learning Notes (2), the GUI this book first describes the the GU I design prior knowledge GUI object' s properties and two ways to create a GUI and then explain in detail: the function to create and GUIDE create After in-depth explanation ActiveX controls, timers, serial port, and MCC compiled knowledge Finally, the book gives comprehensive example for readers to study learning. Book interspersed with a large number of charts and examples, the convenience of the reader and checking while practicing.)