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于 2013-11-15 发布 文件大小:1KB
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  Background Given a set of rectangles {R1, R2, …, Rn}, compute the area of their common intersection. i.e., Area(R1∩R2∩…∩Rn) The edges of the rectangles R1, R2, …, Rn, are either vertical or horizontal lines. For example, the intersection of 4 rectangles, R1, R2, R3, and R4, in the following figure is the shaded rectangle. Input The input contains (N + 1) lines. The first line specifies the number of rectangles N, where 1 < N < 1000. Since the sides of the rectangles are parallel to the x-axis and y-axis, each rectangle is bounded by the lines x = x1, x = x2, y = y1 and y = y2 and each subsequent line of the input file thus specifies one rectangle in the following format: x1 x2 y1 y2 such that 0





0 个回复

  • CPPguess
    C++编写的一个猜字游戏程序,适合有一定C++基础的新手(C++ written a guessing game program, for a certain person based on C++)
    2011-04-26 10:28:25下载
  • MySnake
    用VC编写的简单版贪食蛇,用(W,A,S,D)分别的上,左,下,右,还可以用向上,向下,向左,向右键(VC prepared using a simple version of贪食蛇with (W, A, S, D), respectively, the upper, left, down, right, also can be used up, down, left to right)
    2008-05-26 12:02:02下载
  • JYNet
    俄罗斯方块 联网版 不错很好,功能齐全。(Networked version of Tetris)
    2011-10-01 09:48:17下载
  • aweep-game
    一款经典小游戏 扫雷 希望各位i朋友不吝赐教 ~~~多多捧场~~(A classic game mine hope everyone who I glad ~ ~ ~ great support ~ ~)
    2013-09-13 14:40:22下载
  • Solution1
    用vb.net做的大富翁,a Console Application that models the game of Monopoly.Houses • Hotels • Rolling doubles • Players will not be allowed to sell properties once purchased. • Players may mortgage a property but it will remain mortgaged for the rest of the game. • No one will ever go to jail.(vb.net do with the millionaires, a Console Application models that the game of Monopoly.Houses Hotels## 8226 8226 8226 Rolling doubles# Players will not be allowed to sell properties once purchased.# 8226 Players may mortgage a property but it will remain mortgaged for the rest of the game.# 8226 No one will ever go to jail.)
    2005-04-23 07:33:09下载
  • greedy-snake
    游戏-贪吃蛇vb2008 visual basic 2008(games-greedy snake)
    2012-08-03 22:23:51下载
    The 8-puzzle problem
    2010-02-20 16:00:21下载
  • 4576585477
    台球瞄准器,游戏编程源码,很好的参考资料。(Billiards sight, game programming source code, a good reference.)
    2013-10-08 19:29:14下载
  • zhuangqiu
    一款非常简单的撞球游戏,使用方向键控制板块左右弹动小球即可得分。(one very simple game of pool, use the direction keys to control plate at about moving the ball can score.)
    2006-07-31 23:11:57下载
  • java
    java 课程设计五子棋游戏 (1) 实现具有图形用户界面的五子棋游戏,界面美观。 (2) 可以实现人-人对战或者简单算法的人-机对战。(java course design welcome to play (1) implementation with a graphical user interface welcome to play beautiful interface. (2) can be achieving- Skirmish or a simple algorithm of people- Machine Battle.)
    2009-12-07 09:17:45下载
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