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于 2015-01-31 发布 文件大小:493KB
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  电磁波、声波或地震波等数值模拟中常常会用到有限差分法,但是很多文章都只是泛泛而谈时间2阶,空间4阶等等如何用公式,本文给出了任意阶精度的泰勒展开与迭代公式。(Numerical simulation of electromagnetic, acoustic or seismic waves will often use the finite difference method, but many articles are just generalities time two bands, space, etc. How to order 4 formula, this paper presents the accuracy of any order Taylor expansion and iterative formula.)



0 个回复

  • QR
    说明:  用QR分解来解方程AX=b,其中QR分解是用householder变换做的(With QR decomposition to solve the equation AX = b, where QR decomposition is done using householder transformation)
    2009-12-23 21:04:49下载
  • GaBP_src
    说明:  关于 压缩传感 的 经典程序 不过想要看懂非 一朝一夕 之事 的慢慢品位研究 (Compressed sensing on the classic procedure, but you want to read a short span of taste of things slowly)
    2011-03-28 15:19:43下载
  • matlab-LDPC
    说明:  该文件包括几篇比较关于LDPC编码核心的基础读物,还有关于LDPC开发的MATLAB仿真库和运用该库所进行的一些仿真源码(The documents include a few more LDPC coding on the basis of the core reading, also on the development of the LDPC MATLAB simulation library and use the library for the simulation source code)
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  • NCM_unmixing
    based on within-class inter-class distance criteria, feature extraction. ... in the Yale face database for face recognition on the matlab source
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  • JNOA--2012
    Rainfall time series forecasting
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  • ch1problem3
    动态方式观察物体坠落的过程,从而达到动态的仿真效果。(The dynamic way observation object crashes process, thus achieves the dynamic simulation effect. )
    2010-10-20 10:28:34下载
  • power_hvdc
    高压直流输电仿真模型,基于晶闸管控制的12脉波MATLAB/SIMULINK仿真(The example in this section illustrates modeling of a high-voltage direct current (HVDC) transmission link using 12-pulse thyristor converters [1]. Perturbations are applied to examine the system performance. The objectives of this example are to demonstrate the use of SimPowerSystems blocks in combination with Simulink blocks in the simulation of a complete pole of a 12-pulse HVDC transmission system. The Discrete HVDC Controller block is a generic control available in the Discrete Control Blocks library of the SimPowerSystems Extras library. In the same library you can find the Discrete Gamma Measurement block used in the inverter control subsystem.)
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    天线阵的波束形成Matlab代码(圆阵)(antenna beamforming Matlab code (UCAs))
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  • shannonsource2
    信息论与编码中,对香农信源编码定理的仿真,验证了香农编码定理的可行性。(information theory and coding, right Shannon source coding theorem simulation, verification of the Shannon coding theorem.)
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  • matlab
    matlab遗传算法经典语句,可以让我们学到在别处学不到的东西,为我们在写程序的时候提供帮助。(matlab genetic algorithm classic statement, you can let us learn things you can not learn elsewhere, provided help for us in the writing program.)
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