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于 2013-12-12 发布 文件大小:1046KB
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  一个利用bcb的dll写的vc翻译软件 翻译引擎本身简单, 技巧在于利用vc调用bc(Bcb of a use vc dll written translation software translation engine itself is simple trick is to use vc calling bc)



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  • DesktopSecuritySet1
    自己做的ActiveX系统配置控件,单击按钮打开桌面安全设置1对话框,实现: 从活动桌面上删除Web内容; 强制从睡眠或挂起状态恢复时输入密码; 允许使用活动桌面; 禁止调整桌面工具栏长度; 禁止交互用户通过Windows窃听其它用户会话; 允许使用“桌面清理向导”; 禁止使用活动桌面的所有设置项目; 启用“开始”菜单常用程序组; 禁止控制面板和打印机文件夹; 禁止使用任务栏快捷方式菜单; 禁止使用“开始”菜单的“关闭系统”命令; 禁止使用“开始”菜单的“我的文档”命令; 禁止在桌面上运行任何程序; 隐藏桌面上的网上邻居以及所有图标; 隐藏“网络快捷方式”菜单、任务栏; 可以部署在服务器上,适合在公共电脑等不方便带文件的场合进行快速系统配置,也适合嵌入到其它程序中,进行快速开发。 (Make its own system configuration of ActiveX controls, click the Security Settings button to open the Desktop dialog box 1, to achieve: Events delete from the desktop Web content Mandatory from the state of sleep or hang password recovery Permit the use of Active Desktop Deskbar prohibited adjust length Interactive users to prohibit other users through the Windows bugging conversations Permit the use of the "Desktop Cleanup Wizard" Prohibition of the Use of Active Desktop items all the settings Opening of the "Start" menu common program group Prohibition of the control panel and printers folder Prohibit the use of the taskbar shortcut menu Prohibit the use of "Start" menu s "closed system" command Prohibit the use of "Start" menu s "My Documents" command Prohibit the operation of any program on your desktop Hide My Network Places on the desktop and all icons Hide "Network Shortcuts" menu, task bar Can be deployed on the server for computer)
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